heartbroken// stenbrough

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it's been eight months. for eight months, i've been watching the boy i love fall in love with one of his best friends, at least that's what it seemed like.

i trailed behind the group, watching bill and richie walk hand in hand, laughing. although this wasn't the first time, i was holding back tears.

"you guys are so cute, just admit you're dating already." bev cooed.

"if p-platonic affection automatically means we're dating, i'd say all of us are in one huge p-p-polyamorous relationship."

everyone agreed with the statement, but i just stayed silent. when bev brought up the two dating, i was doing everything i could to stop myself from crying. no one really noticed, and i was perfectly content with that.

after a few moments of trying as i hard as i could to collect myself, i finally spoke up.

"bev, can we go back to your place? i'm not feeling well, and my parents are out of town." i lied, my voice shaking.

she looked at me, seeming confused, but she obliged. she said her goodbyes to the group as i stood behind, waiting, and then following her back to her house.

"everything okay?" she asked.

and with that, the tears i had been holding back for eight months poured out.

she took my hand and pulled me down onto her bed, not letting go of my hand.

"stan, what's wrong?" she asked, trying her best to calm me.

"you're going to think it's stupid." i said, wiping my cheeks.

"no, i swear i won't. just please tell me what's wrong."

"it's richie and bill." i said, again trying to hold back tears.

"what about them?" she asked, confusion spreading over her face.

"everyone knows they like each other."

"i'm not exactly sure if they do, stan. why would that be an issue though?"

"beverly, you even said it." i said, deciding not the respond to the last part.

"you also heard their response, maybe they're just a lot closer. please tell me what's wrong."

"i've been watching all of this unfold for eight months beverly, watching the boy i love fall in love with richie." i said, beginning to break down again.

and as beverly started to respond, the door opened, interrupting us.

my heart dropped as i realized who was standing behind the door.

he probably heard me, and i'm fucking screwed.

bill walked over to me, pulling me into his arms and trying to comfort me.

"stan, i really hope yuh-you realize richie is just my b-best friend. i'm so s-s-sorry, i really didn't know." he said, his voice breaking.

i didn't know how to respond, so i just didn't. i knew bill wouldn't lie to me, but it just didn't seem real.

i was there, sobbing in his arms, because my attempts to stop failed, due to holding this back for so long.

just in the moment i thought he was going to let go, i felt his hands around my face, gently moving my head so i was looking at him.

he stared into my eyes for what felt like forever, but was only a few moments. everything stopped spinning, and it was as if i was in a whole different place. i completely forgot bev was there, and god i felt sorry for that after.

and just then, his lips met mine, interrupting my thoughts. i didn't know what to do, but i automatically kissed back. i really couldn't believe this was happening, after what i endured throughout these past eight months.

"stan, you have n-no idea how long i've been waiting to do that. i've only w-wanted to do that to you." he spoke, wiping my cheeks.

i didn't know how to respond, and i just stared back at him in awe. i was almost in shock, as i hadn't been expecting this at all.

"hey, i know you guys probably forgot i was here, but i'm glad i was. that shit was adorable."

bill and i laughed in unison, as he intertwined our fingers and led us back to find the rest of the group.



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