prom? // stenbrough

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"I really don't understand what the issue is, Bill. He's your boyfriend. Do you really need to ask?" Richie inquired, furrowing his brows.

"Y-yes. I want it to be special." I sighed. "I want Stan t-to know he's special." I said, looking down, smiling at the thought of him.

"Just do what I did. Tell him you're gonna take his mom until he does that cute pouty thing because he wants you to ask. He said yes."

"I'm not t-telling him I wanna take his m-mom, Tozier."

"Alright well don't expect me to feel bad when he says no."

I roll my eyes as he walks out of the school, leaving me to find my boyfriend and figure out how the hell I'm asking him to prom. Did I really think Richie would help?

How do I ask Stanley fucking Uris to prom? He deserves something special, but what would that be? I've spent the last week thinking about this, but I've come up with nothing. He deserves something more than the usual. Maybe Richie is right, maybe I shouldn't be putting so much though into it, but I know my boyfriend deserves something special.

As I'm walking and practicing the words in my head, and trying to come up with more ideas, I feel a familiar hand find it's way into mine. Stan wasn't a huge fan of PDA, but he knew how much I liked the comfort of knowing he was there with me at all times, connected.

I look up, my eyes meeting his and an immediate smile spreading across my face.

"H-hey Stan- I'm still giving you a ride home?" I asked. My stutter wasn't as bad when it was just us, especially when our hands were connected. It calmed me and although it didn't fix it completely, it helped. I loved the comfort that came with being with him.

"Yes, unless you wouldn't mind me coming over." he said, hopefully.

"Of course" I spoke, adjusting our intertwined fingers.

The car ride home was filled with my obvious nervousness, Stans confusion to this, and my inability to spit those words out.

We were sitting on my couch, fingers still intertwined and my head resting against his shoulder, some cartoon playing in front of us. I had been too nervous to realize what we were watching, as my mind was racing.

I finally sat up and turned to him.


"Is everything alright?"

"Y-yes, I ju-just-" I stumble over my words, and then realized I disconnected our hands as I sat up and I knew that definitely wasn't helping, so I reconnected them and tried again.

"I w-wanted this to be special, I wanted you t-to know you're special." my gaze met his, and I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. "B-but I just couldn't figure out h-how to show y-you how much you mean to m-me." I mentally cursed at myself for stumbling over my words so much, but he gave me a reassuring smile and gave me time to speak.

"Stan, w-wi- will you g-g- shit" I sighed.

He gave another reassuring smile before speaking up, "take as long as you need." he said, smiling, adjusting his grip over my fingers.

"Will you go to prom with me?" I finally spit out, not stuttering once.

Rather than an actual response, my answer came as his lips met mine and his other hand held my cheek. After a few seconds that felt like a life time, we pulled apart, smiling at each other.

With a red-tinted face, he finally spoke.

"Of course, stuttering Bill." he laughed before planting another chaste kiss on my lips. "I hope you know how adorable I find that stutter of yours."



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