Always (2) // Reddie

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Friday, October 30th, 1992
Tonight was Eddies night with me. More specifically, the night I was supposed to tell Eddie how I feel. My mood flipped completely today. Rather than being an upset mess, I've been a nervous wreck. I don't know why I told Bev I would do this; I don't even know how I thought I could. I know what you're thinking, "how could Richie Tozier be nervous over someone?". Because it's Eddie Kaspbrak. That's the only reason I have.

I've never felt this nervous over someone, and I've never been this nervous about Eddie. I've always felt this way, but there wasn't ever any pressure because he never knew that, and I never thought he would, but today was the day, that I, Richie Tozier, would be telling my best friend, Eddie Kaspbrak, that I have always loved him more than he knew. I think I need his goddamn inhaler at the moment.

When I was sure I was ready, I made my way downstairs and out of the door. I didn't bother telling my parents I was leaving, as they never really bothered to see where I was anyways. My mood dropped as I thought of that, but I completely forgot about that as I saw Eddies car turn the corner and pull in front of my house. I felt a smile form on my face and I tried to play it down before he would notice. I couldn't believe I promised to do this and I knew how easy it would be to just forget about it and never bring it up again, but that would never get past Beverly.

"Richie, come on!"

I looked up before realizing I hadn't moved since he got here. I've never been like this over someone before, what the fuck was I doing? I smiled before walking to his car and sliding in the passenger side.

"Took you long enough, Tozier." he joked.

"Hey fuck you." slipped out a lot faster than it should have and I didn't mean to seem so annoyed, what the fuck am I doing??

"Alright." he spoke. "How has everything been?" he said, easing up.

"It's been a little better." I said, looking down.

"I was hoping so. Beverly seemed a little overly excited after she took you home, I was guessing that had something to do with it."

"Yeah." I said, mentally cursing at myself as I remembered what I had to do. "So, what are we doing tonight? Ya know, besides your mom." I realized how dumb that sounded as it slipped out of my mouth. Or did it? I've never been this nervous before.

"Well, first we're going to see a movie." he spoke, leaving out what was coming after that.

Well, coming after that would be him finding out I'm in love with him and possibly leaving me stranded at the theater because Eddie would never do that, but who knows what would happen when he finds out.

"Oh my god, please don't tell me we're seeing Aladdin."

"Yes, Richie, of course were seeing Aladdin. Come on dipshit, that doesn't even come out until next month. We're seeing Candyman."

"Woah, I can't wait to watch you piss yourself in front of the whole theater."

"Shut the fuck up, trashmouth. Let me remind you that you're the one who cried and had nightmares after seeing Pet Sematary. Hell, you stayed at my house for a week."

"That was in 8th grade, asshole!"

He didn't respond as we pulled into the theater, but rather than what I expected, it was a drive in theater.

He paid for the tickets without giving me the chance to pay for mine, then parking towards the back, as the front was already filled.

"I'm gonna go get some snacks. Are you coming?"

"Sure." I followed him out and over to the concessions.

"Want anything?"

"I'm good."

"I'm getting something for you."

I looked up at him as he ordered, not being able to look away. I was going to have to tell this kid how I felt sooner or later, and I was terrified.

I took the drink and Skittles he handed me and followed him back to the car.

Halfway through the movie, I still hadn't brought it up. I'd been too nervous to even pay attention to the movie, and I guess my nervousness had become visible as my leg started shaking.

"Is everything okay, Richie?"

I didn't know how to answer. I could pretend everything was okay; I could just tell him, but I didn't open my mouth. I was too afraid.

"Hey, let's get out of here. I have somewhere else we can go, get out of the car and talk, away from everyone else."

I didn't respond as he pulled out of the drive in and headed farther out.

My head was spinning with thoughts of what would happen if I didn't tell him, what would happen if I did. My leg started shaking again, making the nervousness even more apparent, but I didn't bring attention to it and he didn't either.

We arrived at the old Derry elementary school, which had closed down after they finally decided to build another when things stopped working due to age.

"What are we doing here?" I said, trying to stabilize the shakiness of my voice.

"Don't ask, just follow."

Confused, I followed him out of the car and to the other side of the building.

He approaches a ladder on the side of the building, proceeding up.

Usually, I'd ask Eddie how he's not freaking out, but again, I kept my mouth shut as I was still terrified.

After watching him for a second, I finally followed and started making my way up the ladder.

Without speaking, he went to the edge and sat, his legs dangling over the edge, and I followed. I really didn't know how he wasn't freaking out, that's the usual Eddie thing to do.

"What's wrong?" He asked, sounding completely calm.

"Eds, I-"

For the first time tonight, my mind went totally blank. I wasn't thinking of what could happen, I just did it.

I kissed Eddie Kaspbrak.

And Eddie Kaspbrak kissed back.

His hand cupped my cheek, and I was too lost in the kiss to move anything else.

We pulled apart, smiling, taking in the others features.

"Took you long enough, trashmouth." He said, pulling me in for another kiss.



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