reddie/stenbrough sleepover

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as bill and i arrived at richies house, fingers intertwined, we knew not to expect to get much sleep, due to richie constantly babbling all night, as he usually does. when we arrived at the door, i knocked with my free hand, and the door flung open, revealing a smiling richie behind it.

"welcome, homos." richie said, laughing.

"richie, do i need to remind you again that you are also gay?" i inquired, rolling my eyes.

richie rolled his eyes as well and opened the door more, allowing bill and i to come in.

"where's eddie?" bill asked.

"hold on- EDDIE TOZIER! come on!"

"shut the fuck up." yelled a seemingly annoyed eddie from upstairs.

"what's wrong with him?" i asked, confusion spreading across my face.

"he lost his inhaler." richie sighed.

"makes sense." i spoke, leading my boyfriend to the couch and sitting down.

richie followed, turning on the TV. he flipped through several channels before stopping at spongebob.

"richie, do we have to watch this every fucking time?" i asked.

"no, i just like annoying you."

"you're pretty damn good at it."

i looked down at my boyfriend, giving him a quick smile as he ruffled his fingers through my hair. our gaze didn't break until we heard eddie run back down the steps.

"alright i found it." he said, sounding accomplished.

he sat down beside richie, who was now complaining about the lack of food.

"richie, it's your house. if you want food, let's get food." i said, rolling my eyes.

"pizza or chinese?" he asked, standing up.

"pizza" eddie blurts out, just as i say the opposite.

"i guess it's up to you, bill." richie says impatiently.

"uh, i think ch-chinese." he stuttered.

i smiled as eddie followed richie out the door, complaining about our decision.

bill continued running his fingers through my hair as we watched spongebob, waiting for their return.

almost two episodes later, the door opened, eddie carrying a pizza box with a huge smile on his face and richie carrying take out bags.

"d-damn richie, you really do love this b-b-boy." bill spoke, with me squeezing his hand, trying to calm his stutter.

"maybe i wanted pizza too." he retorted.

"maybe you're just whipped." i spoke up.

"maybe you're right." he spoke, "but point one: reddie, zero: stenbrough." he said, reaching for yet another unreturned high five.

"let's just eat. richie." eddie said, dragging out the 'e', "can we watch a movie?"

richie shook his head, grabbing a slice of pizza in one hand and the remote in the other while sitting beside his boyfriend.

"as long as we can watch a scary one." richie said.

"richie, you always choose the same stuff." i complained. "we all know you just want eddie to cuddle up to you."

"we're still watching a scary movie." he said, not responding to my very true statement.

he turned on The Shining as we all began eating.

throughout the movie, bill had snuggled up to me as eddie was doing with richie, and richie continued throwing pieces of popcorn at us, a few maybe fired back from me.

towards the end, bill had fallen asleep, basically on top of me, but i actually didn't mind.

eddies small body was wrapped around his boyfriends, who was now babbling non-stop, just as i had expected.

"i mean like, why haven't i walked on the moon yet? i just feel like i'm wasting my life, ya know?" he said, not really expecting an answer.

"richie, can we please try to sleep now? you're going to wake bill up, like last time." i sighed, rubbing my eyes.

"yeah, richie, i think stan's right. i mean look at bill, he's practically on top of stan and he's out. this is the cutest shit i've ever seen."

richie spoke up again, pretending to be offended.

"miss me with that gay shit. but how come i'm not the cutest shit you've ever seen?"

"richie, guess what? you're gay!" i whisper-yelled.

"guys, let's just go to sleep. if you guys start arguing, he's going to wake up." eddie sighed.

"one more thing though, eddie." richie spoke.

"what, richie?"

"i'm the cutest shit you've ever seen?" he stated, but it came out more like a question.

"yes, richie, you're the cutest shit i've ever seen." eddie said, silence finally filling the air as i dozed off.



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