Chapter 11

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New chapter and make sure you stick around for any updates!


Jane's POV

I hid inside the closet by the hall. I took a peak outside to see if any stormtroopers were rolling around, and its seemed the coast was clear.

I prepare my gun, and a take a deep breath.

I'm nervous.

I didn't think I was going to put myself through this situacion, and I never though I would ever have to run away. I imagined everything would go so perfect: Poe rescuing be, fighting against all stormtroopers, and defeating Kylo Ren. Well, I was wrong, and way too naive.

But no one is coming to save me, not even Poe. He left me without coming back for me, which really hurt. So now I can't be weak, or naive, I have to be strong. This is my only chance.


Once I checked the perimeter was clear, I walked out and walked in a slow but fast pace.

I see a group of stormtroopers approaching, and I hide in a dark corner near by. I take a deep breath.

'You can do this Jane, you got this.' I said to myself.

I checked again for signs of stormtroopers and I continued to walk.

On the way I found the control room. Almost 20 stormtroopers were working inside of there, including the General.

I though for a second about what I could do, and then a y though came to me. 'The emergency button!, there has to be one.' I checked my perimeter and continued walking to the right to see if I could find the button somewhere, so I could have sometime to escape.

Again stormtroopers came close and I hid in the nearest corner.

I looked around and just across I could see a red lever from far away. 'That's it! That's the one!' Once the group of stormtroopers passed a walked fast across the room. I took a deep breath 'You can do this Jane, I know you can' for a moment it felt like it was Poe saying that to me. I hit with my fist the glass protecting the lever, and with all my strengh I pulled it.

The alarm went off.

A bunch of stormtroopers pass by in a hurry, 'Now is your chance.' I looked down to my hand, which was bleeding from the broken glass. I ripped a piece of te fabric of my shirt and wrapped it around my hand and made sure it wasn't bleeding.

I got out of the dark corner and followed the rest of the hall, and ended up by the parking of all the ships. I looked around for a ship to steal. Once I found one I went to it ,but it had chained around it a security chain. I tried ripping it out, but it was too tight. I looked around and saw the control room and ran towards it.

I looked through the panel, and started pushing buttons to unlock the ship. Once I got the right ship, I was ready to pull the lever when I heard someone load a gun.

I turned around too see the general pointing the gun at me. "You though you could get away with this one, but its over Jane." he said I look down at the panel down below, "You think?". I kick with my foot the panel and the light went immeaditetly off. I ran towards the general and lached onto his neck. I spinned and pulled him to the floor leaving him unconsious.

I ran towards to the door and went outside towards the ship. I looked back to see a group of stormtroopers approaching me. I quiclky mounted the ship, but I forgot to unstrap the chain. The stormtroopers tried grabbing me, and I started to fight them. Once I was able to unstrap the chain I was charching to go until someone shut the engine, leaving me useless. I looked back to see the bastard that shot my ship and I was face to face with Kylo Ren. He was without his helmet on.

I looked onto his dark eyes that looked at me with sadness, all I could do was look at him with disgust.

The stormtroopers came and strapped my hands to my back so I wouldn't do anything to them. They grabbed me and started taking me. "Stop." said Kylo Ren and the stromtroopers stopped, "Take her to my chambers, I'll take care of this one". I looked onto his eyes with anger as the they took me to his chambers.


Once they brought me inside and unstrapped me. I turned around and hit them and started to get rid of them, until Kylo Ren held my hand. I tried getting rid of his hand but he only held me tighter. "You may go." he said to the stormtroopers, as they left the room and closed the door behind them.

Once they left he let go on my hand. "That was very nice of you." I said sarcastically, "What were you thinking? Are you mad?" he said "Of course I'm mad, I'm sick of this place, of people lying to me, keeping secrets from me." he didn't respond and I continued "I'm tired of waiting for Poe to come back, because he is obiously not coming back." I said containing my tears. He wanted to reach out but I put my hand up my face to stop him.

"Jane, I know there is soo much I haven't told you, just give me time." "How much time do you need Kyle, 10 minutes? a year? When are you gonna man up and tell me?!"

He sighed, "I knew you were gonna run away." I felt infuriated when he said that. "I saw what you did for Mark through the security cameras, and I wasn't going to let you go without you letting me explain myself." I couldn't even look at this guy, how could he? "Please Jane, say something." he reached out for my hand and I quiclky moved my hand "Why kyle? Why are you trying to take my freedom? Why did you took everything from me? Wouldn't it be easier for you to just get rid of me? Kill me?" he didn't respond.

Tears were building up into his eyes as well as in mine. He approached me, and I didn't move. He came close enough that we were face to face. "What do you want?" I asked in a whisper, he grabbed my cheek with his hand and he grabbed a tear with his finger "Kyle?" before I could say anything else, he quickly kissed me.

He's lips made contact with mine, making my knees go weak. He grabbed my face with both hands and seduced me with his passionate kiss. 'Jane stop kissing him, are you crazy?' My mind started to say 'Jane....' I quickly heard Poe's voice in my head. I pushed Kyle away from me and slapped him in the face, and he bumped backwards.

We looked at each other for a minute, his face looked at me with shock. I quickly turn around and got out the door only to be captured my the stormtroopers. I tried to fight them, until I was face to face with the General. "Take her to her cell, where she belongs." I looked at him with hatred and then the stormtroopers took me away.


We entered to the cells and they threw me next to the cell where Mark was.

They locked me into my cell, I was gasping in pain.

"Jane are you okay?" Mark said, I didn't answer. Once the stromtroopers left I said "Yeah, I'm fine." "What happened?" he asked "Well, I tried running away, but it didn't work." I laid by the wall. "Did Kylo hurt you? Are you okay?" "Yes I'm fine" I answered "..but Kylo Ren is hiding more secrets from me than I though."


Author's Note: OMGGGGGGG!!!! This chapter was intense, the entire time I wrote this I got nervous about what was going to happen.

So what do you think? Are you excited to know what happens next cause I know I am.

Now I know I haven't been updating in a while. I was out of inspiration, and I've been working on something new, and I hope I post it soon so you guys can read.

Comment, like, join, and stay tuned for more



PS I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes :/

Dark Love (a Star Wars Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora