Chapter 4

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Kylo Ren's POV

I wake up early to meet Jane. I put on my mask an get ready, and worry starts to surround me.

Gosh, how am really mad at her right now. That face of hers, and those eyes, those lips, g**damit I can't take it. Some how she's taken over my head, and I don't know why. I don't know her, and am already starting to like her. The thing is I'm not meant to be loved.

My life has been a mess. I've been betrayed all my life unloved, unwanted, and lonely. I had no one to turn to, at least my father was never there for me.

I walked straight to Jane's room, carrying a tray with some eggs, bacon and juice. Hey I don't know what she likes for breakfast, and I didn't want to leave her starving. I knocked on her door, to see if she would respond.

"Go away!"she said, "I brought you some breakfast." I said. She didn't respond I knocked again to see if she might respond, "Get away from me!" she screamed again, "Please, I don't want to leave you starving.". I heard footsteps, she opened the door and looked into my eyes. Her expression was not a positive one, she looked at me as if she wanted to kill me.  "What!?" she said, her eyes looked down to tray and back to my face. "Am not hungry." she responded, "but you have to eat something, I don't want to leave you starving." she turned her back to me.

I can't believe this woman, it's just unbelievable. "Get out." she said, "Please at least have something to eat." I took on step forward, "I said, GET OUT!!" she turned around and her hand moved jacking the tray out of my hands. All the food and juice landed on to my clothes messing all the floor. "F*CK!" I said, I can't take it, I've tried being nice to her but, she' s just impossible to understand.

She closed the door in front of me. " Fine!, Starve to dead if you want!!". I turned my head, and saw two storm troopers coming towards me. "You're cleaning this up." I said, and then I turned around and left.

I can't believe her, I've been nice to her and this is how she treats me ? I just can't believe it.

I walked out and went straight towards to see Master Snoke. On the way I walked to the bathroom to clean all the food off of me. I took an paper towel, and wiped all the dirt and food off, and then I heard a giggle from behind. "What a lovely coincidence to see you here Kylo Ren." I lifted my head and tilted my face a little bit. "Nice to see you too General."

"So I see you have a dear friend of yours hidden somewhere?" I knew what he was talking about, but I wasn't going to tell him. I didn't respond right away and continued to wipe the juice off my clothing. "Ah come one Kyle, it's okay to admit that your prisoner is your friend."he said sarcastically. His face showed an expression as if he though he had already caught me in his trap.

"What would you matter?? She's not your prisoner she's mine." I stated. I heard the general laugh behind me, "She may be your prisoner, but you can't hide her for long." I somehow wanted to hit him. I took him from the back and smashed him on the sink, I pressed the forearm on to his chest. "Stay away from my prisoners.." I said "..and stay out of my business." the general laughed, "Kill me if you want ,but you can't keep you're secret for long."

I released him. He left still laughing and I finished to wipe the food and juice off my clothing. I looked up to the mirror. Am I the same as I was before? I can't even tell anymore. Something is changing, and for some reason is bad.

I will never forget those eyes of hers. Jane.


Once I finished, I headed straight to see Master Snoke. Nerves were running through me, and I don't know why. I've never been this nervous, and it's weird.

Dark Love (a Star Wars Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora