Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to @FatimaTrueba

Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!


Jane's POV

I rested my head at the side of the chair, and all I could think about was Poe.

'How could you do this? Why?'

I couldn't stop thinking about it. Now the resistance won't have a chance on the map.

Then, after a while came inside the prison Kylo Ren. The gate closed behind him, as his arms went to his back. "Comfortable?" He asked "Not likely." I said.  "I have news for you, you might be interested to know." "And why would I listen to you? You're just a creature in a mask" I said.

He took off his mask, and he dropped it to the ground.

He's dark eyes meet my brown eyes. My body starts to shake, in nerves. Kylo Ren is beyond of what I imagined, which scares me. He's my enemy, he killed my parents, he took everything from me, but why am I so attracted to him? Do I like him? Am just to confused to believe myself.

His hands go to his back, and he starts to walk around, getting closer to me. My body shakes beyond my control. "You're little 'friend' has escaped, with one of my trusted soliders." This can't be true. My eyes started to fill with tears, and I try so hard not to cry.

"You're lying." I state, there's no way this can be true. "Would I ever lie to you?" he said. I meditate the question for a second, knowing that I don't trust him at all. I don't respond, but I give him my evil eye, he gives a sign and shakes his head "Jane, Jane, Jane..." he starts to say "I may be evil, but that doesn't make me a liar, I would never lie to anyone." I still don't believe him, how can this f*cking bastard say he's an honest man? After all the hurt he has done.

"I will never trust you" I said angry, "Sweetie, trust me or not, am not a liar. And am certainly not a betrayer like you're 'little boyfriend'" that was the last straw. My face hardened, and I immediatly became extremely angry. My fists clenched and my eyes turned straight to Kylo Ren, all the feelings I  had for him,  disappeared.

"Don't you ever talk about Poe like that, he didn't betray me." I said angry. "You're so naive." he said, 'am not naive.' I thought. Now I became really angry. "You think he's coming back.." he said, he laughed for a little "Oh Jane, my sweet Jane." he said mocking me. "Don't call me that." I stated. "I may be naive, but at least my heart  is not made of stone." I said.

He didn't say anything, but he starrted coming closer. "I may have a heart of stone, but I know sweetie. When someone leaves, it only means they'll never come back." he said. My face softened, for some reason it made my body calm, was this actually happening to me? Danm it, how I really hate him right now.

"I know for a fact what is like, and you're 'boyfriend' will never come back." those last words made my heart fall apart. I wanted to continue refusing this was true, but for some reason I starrted to realize that maybe, he was right.

My eyes filled with tears, realizing that he might just be saying the truth. I am too naive, too blind to see it. Is my love not enough for Poe? Those he love me? I know for a fact he does, but now am not so sure. My heart beats for him, my life is with him. He healed me from my horrible past, he welcomed me to his family and life, even when I wasn't part of it. Even though at first he seemed like a brother to me, he started to become so much more than that. And I still am in love with him.

Dark Love (a Star Wars Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora