Chapter 4


Monday afternoon-

I sit in science with Cullen. He has been grounded for a month for the whole party incident. But there is something else hidden behind his blank blue eyes. Is he angry at me? I try to stop thinking about him and focus on the task in hand, dissecting a toad. Grotesque and inhumane I think quietly to myself I try not to gag staring at the lifeless green toad.

I walk quickly up the stairs to maths. I swing open the door and stride in confidently my eyes search every seat excitedly looking for him. He who makes my heart beat out of my chest. Him with the thoughtful dark eyes and perfect straight white teeth. He is not here so I take an empty seat by the window. Damn I was looking forward to seeing him again. The bell rings and I click my pen as our teacher starts blabbing on. Then the door bursts open.

“Apologies Ms,” He grins placing a steaming take out coffee on her desk. Nervous adrenaline pumps through my veins.

“I must say, you do look stunning today,”

She blushes and he takes a seat by me. But he doesn’t even look at me. Then suddenly he turns his whole body and stares at me in thought. Elbows on his knees, chin in his hands.

“Lily Hart,” he whispers.

My heart sinks.

“Yes, Jesse Embers,” I try to say as confidently as I can.

“I’ve been thinking,” he begins “I don’t believe that a last name should determine if two very attractive people should or shouldn’t go on a date together,” he says eyes alive with mischief.

“Are you asking me on a date?” I ask.

“Yes,” He grins.

“When?” I say smiling.

“Pick you up tonight at 8 sharp.”

“Okay then, where are we going?”

He leans in “It’s a surprise,” He whispers flirtatiously.

“Jesse, Lily!” Ms Blackly snaps.

“Sorry,” I whisper staring down at my feet.

Jesse chuckles warmly and I blush.

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