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  • Dedicated to Mummy

Chapter 1


The subway train pulls up to the next stop and Cullen jumps on. He strides easily towards me and plonks himself down next to me. He turns and cocks his head to the side grinning. His sparkling blue eyes twinkle with youth.

“How are you then Lily?” He says merrily.

“I’m okay,” I say softly.

“Fantastic,” He says running his long fingers through his dark wavy hair.

I arrive in my first class. Math, It is my first class of the new semester. I decide to take a seat at the back next to a gothic chic and a shy guy I went to middle school with. Our teacher walks in and straight away begins reciting her ‘expectations’ of us this year. My eyes drift over to the window and land on a charming golden haired boy with warm brown eyes. Our eyes meet and he smiles slightly. I blush and look away.

The final bell rings and I walk quickly through the crowds of teenagers to meet Cullen. Then I see him tall with greasy, black hair and a silver lip ring which he plays with grotesquely with his tongue. Tye Brooks. He sees me and narrows his eyes.

“Lily Beatrice Hart” He says gruffly.

He stands just inches in front of me. We dated for a year and then he started getting aggressive and creepy. So we broke up about one and a half months ago. Now he won’t leave me alone. I look at my shoes and my nostrils fill with the smell of cigarettes and sweat it’s him. I try not to gag. I frown and say quietly.

“Excuse me Tye.”

He scoffs and steps to the side. He extends his arm and says,

“Of course princess,” In mock sincerity.

My cheeks feel hot and I quickly scurry away, I can hear them laughing behind me. God I hate him, I really, really do!

I lay on my bed texting Cullen.

Cullen: Was Tye giving you trouble today?

Me: No, It’s fine. Don’t worry.

I don’t want Cullen to know because he would get too defensive over me for his own good. I put my phone on the bedside table and try to fall asleep, but all I can think about is the golden haired boy with sparkling dark eyes in maths this morning. I slowly fall asleep mind awake with questions. Who is he? What is his name?

I wake up 5 days of school done, now the weekend. I look at my clock 11:30am. I slept for ages. I pick up my phone 3 missed calls ‘Cullen’ I sigh and call him back.

“Hello?” He says hoarsely.

“Hi, it’s me,” I say.

“Lily? Justin’s having a small gathering tonight, you want to come?”


“Come?” He says anxiously.

“Fine,” I say in mock grouchiness.

“See you there at 8,” he says excitedly.

Then the line goes dead. I groan I have never been the ‘party till dawn’ type but I will go.


‘Buzz’ Cullen is here.

“Bye Ma, Bye Pa,” I call out while running down the staircase.

“Bye Darling,” my father calls in his strong Italian accent.

I meet Cullen In the lobby. He grins and opens the door for me. We walk out into the crisp autumn air and we climb into his car.

We arrive at Justin’s. The music is so loud the floor is vibrating. This is definitely not a small gathering.

I shouldn’t be here; if I get caught it will be bad for my parents reputation. But before I know it I am surrounded by a cloud of intoxicated adolescents. Someone hands me a red plastic cup the brown liquid sloshes around in the cup. I push my way to the couch and place the cup on the coffee table. I sit down and sink into the sofa; I can see Cullen across the room dancing with a blonde girl I don’t recognize.

I look to my left and see him, the gorgeous golden haired, dark eyed god from maths class. He sees me and saunters over. He smiles and sits down next to me.

“This is not really my kind of event,” he says charmingly.

“Me either,” I say.

“So what’s your name? I bet it is as beautiful as you are,” He grins.

“Lily, yours?” I giggle.

“Jesse,” He says enchantingly.

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