Chapter 5


I sit on my bed waiting for that buzz that means my gorgeous date is here. My phone rings and it is Cullen.

“I am grounded for a month.” He says

“I heard,” I reply.

“What are you doing tonight?” He asks.

“Homework, loads of it,” I lie nervously.

“Do you want to come over Friday afternoon? I am so bored, and mum said you can come over,” He says hopefully.

“Sure, I’ll come around 5,” I say.

“Great, I’ve got to go. See you then,” Cullen says excitedly.

Buzz! I skip down the stairs and sneak out the door to avoid Ma and Pa. They cannot know I am going out with a Embers. He stands on the sidewalk in nice jeans and a dress shirt rolled up to his elbows. He smiles.

“You look stunning.” His voice silky and seductive.

“You don’t look too shabby yourself,” I say teasingly.

He takes my hand and we start walking down the avenue. We walk in silence but it’s not awkward it’s nice. I look up at his face illuminated by the street lights.

“So, where are we going?” I ask softly.

“You’ll see,” He grins, and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

We arrive at the small lake in Central Park. Tied to the jetty is a dingy with a picnic basket in it and a small lantern making the water shimmer gold.

“Wow,” I say in awe.

“Do you like it?” He asks hopefully.

“Yes! Of course I do this is amazing!” I say.

“Good,” He laughs and we step down into the boat.

We sit across from each other and he rows us out into the water. We eat tiny sandwiches and drink apple juice it is perfect. Then everything is silent our eyes meet and he begins to lean forward, I mirror his action and close my eyes. His lips are warm and gentle. This feels so amazing like a match made in heaven. He pulls back slowly and fixes his perfectly messy hair. I giggle. He glances at his watch.

“Well I better take you home or your parents will skin me,” He says.

He looks slightly flustered but still very attractive in the glowing moonlight.

We arrive at my house.

“I guess I will see you in maths tomorrow morning,” he says brushing the hair from my face.

“Yeah,” I whisper.

“I suppose I better let you get some sleep,” He sighs.

“Yeah,” I say again. He laughs.

“Goodnight,” He says as he turns and begins walking away.

“Yeah!” I shout after him.

He laughs turns the corner and is gone. I bound up the steps and open the front door as quietly as I can. The house is dark everyone’s asleep or at work, one or the other. I tiptoe up to my bedroom and collapse on my bed and let out a big swoon I have been holding in all evening.

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