New Threat: Rise of the Bewilderbeasts

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It's been a few days since Percy came, and we were all used to him by now. We spent our days whiling away the time by exploring, playing and taming new dragons that we discovered. It was peaceful, and the last thing we expected was a big force to rise and threaten all of the Archipelago.

Of course, that's what happened.

In some ways, I knew we should have expected this. The arrival of an all powerful dragon(Percy) literally spelled it out.

We were going to visit the Dragon Sanctuary to meet Mom and show her Percy. We thought that maybe she would know something about him.

Astrid came up to me while we were leaving. She looked a bit distressed. "Hey Hiccup, Stormfly's sick. I don't know with what or how, but she's ignoring me and staying cooped up, and she isn't flying at all! What's wrong with her?"

"I'll need to see her before I can say. Or else we can ask Percy for help." I told her.

She still looked worried. "But Hiccup, I can't come to the Sanctuary without Stormfly!"

I sighed. " I told you, you should try to connect with another dragon just in case. No other dragon trusts you now, you know." She looked ashamed at that, and I felt bad. " Maybe you can ride Percy, he might -"

"No. There is no way I'm letting someone ride on me. I've already had too many people using me." Percy said, as he came up from behind us.

I sighed again. "Then, you can just ride with me." I told Astrid.

Percy spoke again. "By the way, Stormfly isn't sick, she's just pregnant with eggs. I just talked to her."

Astrid immediately flared up. "What!? I'm going to kill whoever's responsible for that!" she snarled.

"That can come later." I said. "We have to leave now, hop on."

She smiled at me, and my heart started racing. The  Sanctuary was about a day's ride from here, a day in which Astrid would be with me, alone. Maybe, just maybe, I could tell her how I felt about her.

I offered her a hand. "Here, milady," I said, and she laughed. It felt great to make her laugh.

We took off. I learnt a long time ago that the Riders would dawdle forever if I waited for them. Sure enough, they followed me after a few seconds. Percy was  ahead, scouting for possible dangers invisibly. The weather was unpredictable over here, and we didn't want to meet any dragons unexpectedly. Percy could simply blast storms away, and he could force any dragon to change its course away from us. We discovered another one of Percy's abilities the other day; he could connect us all so we could all talk to each other, but that gave him headaches, so he only did it when we needed it. It was cool, like being able to talk to everyone normally at the speed of sound. 

Astrid put her arms around my waist and leaned against me. I felt my face flush as she whispered in my ear. "What do you think about Percy?" she asked.

" I don't know really," I replied. It was the truth. Percy was pretty chill, but his behaviour was a bit too...human. It was unnatural.

I felt Astrid's breath against my ear again, and it made me shiver. "That's not what I meant. I meant if we could trust him or not," she said.

It made sense. I could understand why she was worried, and this was the one time we could discuss this without Percy walking in on us.

" Well, I trust him.  Besides, even if we didn't, you can't exactly walk up to an all powerful dragon and say, 'Hey! We don't trust you, so please f*** off!'. He would simply blast us into the next world." 

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