1. Hamilton

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"I don't have to go, you know," Alexander said as he shoved a suitcase in the trunk of the taxi. "I could stay home and help take care of Mom." 

He really didn't want to stay, but he understood the responsibilities that he had. If his cousin said anything even close to wanting him to stay, the car would be unpacked quicker than you could say 'Rochambeau'. 

Peter shook his head and slammed the trunk shut. "No, you need to go. They don't just throw scholarships at anyone. I can handle it, just get a job when you're out there if it bothers you too much. Nothing too big, though, we're relying more on your grades than anything." 

"I know, I know." Alex ran a hand through his hair. He promised himself that he was done with running jobs for people. High school was one thing, but there wasn't much of a chance that people would know him for that in college, right?

Peter sighed and threw his arms around Alexander's shoulder. "You call me when you get there, you hear me? And every night, I'll get you updates on Rachel and you can tell me how smart you're getting over in college! Deal?" 

"Deal. Don't worry, I'm not going to get too smart and forget about my family." Alexander pulled away from his relative and smiled.

"See ya, little cousin," Peter said with a bittersweet smile. "Stay out of trouble."

"Dude, I'm just going to college." Alex finished the sentence before he could say 'I'm not dying.'. Given their situation, it wouldn't have been a wise choice of words. "I'll be fine."

"You know what I mean." Peter looked like a stern parent telling a child for the millionth time what the rules were. 

"I know, and I stand by what I said. I'll be fine." 

"Alright, call me if you need anything at all, and you still have to call me every night--"

"I know, I know, I have to go now." 

"Have fun! But not too much fun--" 

The taxi driver honked his horn, startling the two outside of the car.

"Okay, I'm going now! Bye, Petey!" With one last smile, Alex got into the backseat of the car and the driver drove away from his home. 

His plan was to go to the hospital and catch another cab after he left there. 

As he made his way into his mother's room, Alex felt a pang of guilt. No matter how many times his family told him to go, he still felt like he was abandoning his responsibilities for his own selfish gain. 

"Hi, Mom," he whispered. 

"Hello, Alexander." Rachel smiled up at him from her bed. "The television shows here aren't that great. Maybe you could sneak me in a few movies." She threw a wink and laughed softly. Despite the minimal effort, the laugh turned into a wheezing cough.

"Mom you need to take it a little easier." Alex put a hand on her shoulder. 

"Oh, you hush. I am perfectly fine. I should be up and out of here in the next few hours, it's just taking a little longer than we thought." 

"I know, Mom," Alex's mouth pressed into a thin line as he kept his act together. They both knew as well as anyone that she wasn't getting out, at least not anytime soon, let alone in the next few hours. Neither of them wanted to admit it though. They each felt the need to stay strong for the other.

"Why don't I get us some room service, we can sit and watch these terrible cable movies." 

"That's really not--" 

"Better yet, we could read again. Just like we used to do, remember? Do you have a book with you?" 

"Well yes, I always do but--" 

"Perfect, let's read." 

"Mother!" Alex sighed as his parent quieted down. "I'm here to let you know that I have to leave for college now. I wanted to see you again before I left." 

Rachel's face fell. "Oh, yes, of course. That completely slipped my mind, dear. That's quite alright, though, I still have Petey." She tried for a weak smile, despite the welling tears in her eyes. "Oh, look at my little guy. All grown up and going to college! I'd give you a hug but. . . " she trailed off as she gestured to the tubes and wires all around her.

"I know. . . I'll stay if you want me to, just say the words and I'll stay here with you and Peter." 

"No, honey, you need to go. I'm very proud of you." 

"Mom, really. It wouldn't be too much trouble--"

"If you stay here and miss out on that scholarship, you're grounded for the rest of your life," Rachel said. Nothing about the situation suggested that she was joking so Alex just looked at the ground.

"Fine, I'll go."

"Thank you. Well, then you should be off. Be careful though, don't get into any trouble, don't drink or do drugs, and try to survive the storms, dear. I know that it's especially hard for you, but storms are just a part of life."

"I know, Mom, and I will, but I really do need to go." Alexander kissed the top of his mother's head, cringing at the thin feeling of her hair. "I love you."

"I love you too, Alexander." 

The entire way down to the car, Alex was trying to keep his breathing regulated and his mind clear. 

This is going to turn out fine, he thought as he got into the car. 

//a.n (unless you like senseless rambling that I feel like talking about, you can p much skip this.)
Bonjour Bitches! It's ya boi, unoriginal content.

Wow, this is the worst "get hype for this shit" chapter I have ever written, and I have written a lot of hella bad "get hyped for this shit" chapters. I can almost guarantee that if I ever decide to heavily edit this, this chapter will be a lot more. . . interesting, I guess? There's a word for it and I can't think of it so bleh.

Anyway, lookie-loo what we have here, the first chapter of this thing! I am honestly really excited to write the future chapters for this? I have a whole thing planned out and I honestly really friggin love Jamilton. Not even gonna lie, if it's not above Lams it's definitely tied. I'm not entirely sure why my previous pieces of garbage were Lams? I think one of them was supposed to be Jamilton but I changed it? Eh, w/e.

A couple of notes, though, if I've said it once I've said it a thousand times. I WILL PROTECT THE JOHNNY BOY FROM UNNECESSARY DEATH IN JAMILTON FICS. JLPL my dudes. John Laurens Protection League. Basically, he will live on in the ultimate bromance with our A. Ham. And even better? He won't be an antagonist!

Of course, this is going to be cliche, why wouldn't it be? It's in a college, they're gonna be roommates (it's not a spoiler, we all saw it coming), and the rivalry will be a thing. It's not a soulmate AU in which one of them self-harms so there's a plus!

Oh, and I'm actually trying something new with this, so point out any mistakes or grammatical errors that I may have missed. Seriously. Please do that. It is more than appreciated, please. I'm trying to up my word count and keep the chapters a little more "organized", for lack of better word. (future edit: it didn't work) The chapter titles are going to just be the name of which character it's going to be center around and they're mostly, if not fully, going to be from the main bois' perspective of things.

Last thing, that description is just to sort of fill space until I can successfully describe what this is. It's basically Ham has this like job thing where he does favors for other people for hilariously high prices? I dunno man I'm trying here, give me some credit.

Okay, this is getting longer than the actual chapter so any questions? No? Let's get this potential trainwreck a-goin' then, my fellas! Y'all ready for the angsty bois? ;)

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