27. Hamilton

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Alexander had been working twice as hard to keep his work as ahead as he could since the week he took to go visit his family. He couldn't afford to let the classes slip, even if he was seeing his family for the last time.

On top of the classes, he still had jobs to take care of. If he wasn't forcing himself to stay awake during a lecture, he was sitting with King and his group at the fraternity house or sneaking around to get a job done. There were the rare times throughout the last couple weeks before Thanksgiving where Alex felt the need to relax a little. On those days he'd take a nap or watch stupid Disney movies with Thomas. Or there was that drive that they took, but he really didn't even want to think about that. 

He didn't even want to acknowledge the invitation that Jefferson offered. Going home with him for the holidays. . . You know who does that? Couples. Gross, obnoxiously lovey-dovey couples. Something that he and Jefferson definitely were not. Thomas really knew how to make it hard to eliminate romantic feelings though. They'd been spending more time together than what they were before, and, almost surprisingly, Hamilton didn't feel like slamming Jefferson's face in a car door. There were still times where he'd say something that would make Alex want to throw a book at him, but hey. Progress is progress. 

Alex walked next to Thomas as they left Alexander's final class of the day. Thomas still had another one, but they were walking together until Hamilton saw whoever was waiting to take him back to the house this time. 

"Maybe Lee really had something to do with Samuel. . . He always seemed shifty, if you ask me." 

"Oh, and you know him so well?" Hamilton scoffed. 

"I do, actually! I knew him in high school, which is longer than you've known him, so boom."

"Alright, fine, you win. Please tell me all about today's conspiracy theory on where our classmates are disappearing to."

Thomas didn't hesitate to go into detail about what he thought happened. If Alexander didn't think about it too much, it actually sort of made sense, but that was a rule that could be applied to any conspiracy theory about anything. Suddenly, Thomas stopped his theory. 

"What if the underground job ring that you stupidly got into had something to do with it?" He gasped.

Before Hamilton could say anything, they were interrupted by John Adams throwing his arms around Alex's shoulders.

"Hey, hey, hey! Tommy, you don't mind if I borrow your little boyfriend here, do ya?"

"Oh, uhm, sure? He isn't my boyfriend, but yeah."

"Great!" Adams dragged Alex away. 

As soon as they were at the house, Adams went up the stairs without giving Alexander a second glance. Alex rolled his eyes and decided that he shouldn't waste any time that could be used to study for the upcoming exam season. 

He studied for a few hours before Adams came back.

"Hamilton! I need you to do a job for me. I have the money," he growled as soon as he was within earshot of Alex.

"Why would I do anything for you? I'm just an immigrant, remember? I can't do anything without sabotaging your poor 'white man's ego'."

"You'll do it because you don't have a choice. This is one of the jobs that King approved. You don't get to say no to that. You're the one that agreed to be here, have you forgotten that already, Hamilton?"

Alexander groaned dramatically and shut the notebook he was writing in. "What do you want and how much do you have?"

"Your boyfriend--"

"Not my boyfriend."

"Your future boyfriend is getting too close to figuring out what's going on here. You need to take care of that."

"What do you mean by 'take care of that'?"

"You know what I mean. He can't figure this shit out, Hamilton."

"Wait, are you-- oh my god, did you assholes actually kidnap people?!"

"No, they broke the rules. They knew the consequences of that, Samuel included, and if you know what's best for you, you'll keep that to yourself. He can't know. You know that as well as I do, now. I don't want to do it, so I'm willing to pay you to do it."

"I am not doing that! King promised that he'd be safe, I'm holding him to that. My answer is no."

"Then I'll do it and you can deal with King's consequences. Hm?"

Alexander stood up and shoved Adams back. "You so much as lay a finger on him--"

Before anything else happened, King came jogging down the stairs with Maria and James at his heels. "What is going on down here?!" He shouted.

"Hamilton here is breaking the rules," Adams said smugly.

"You specifically gave me your word that Thomas would be kept out of this, I am holding you to that, you arrogant British asshole!"

"Alex, dear, did John give you a job?"

"Yeah but--"

"And did he offer you money for said job?"

"Yes but if you would just--"

"And I gave him permission to come to you, so no. You don't have a choice. If I could take care of Samuel, you can take of Thomas. Get it done, or you will regret it." King turned to go back up the stairs.


He turned so fast that Maria and James had to move out of his way. He came down the stairs and stopped right in front of Alexander.

"Say that again," he threatened. For emphasis, Alex leaned closer and narrowed his eyes.

"No," he repeated. "I'm not going to hurt him to save your sorry ass. If he figures it out, you're going to have a great time in jail. Better yet, I could just fill him in on everything and you'll have a great time running from your very one consequences!"

James was silently laughing on the stairs while Maria was wildly gesturing for Alex to stop what he was doing.

"Oh, you'll regret saying that, darling. Now get the hell out of this house and watch your back. I have a feeling you'll be visiting my Samuel soon."

Alex didn't waste any time gathering his things and leaving the house to talk to Thomas. The drive kept coming back to his mind. Specifically how Thomas assumed that Alex wanted the organization to be his 'new family'. Hamilton knew they were bad people, that much was obvious to anyone. He didn't need them to be his family. 

Which is exactly why Alex was going with the Jeffersons over Thanksgiving.

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