38. Jefferson

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"As much as I'd hate to admit it, you were definitely right. This is. . ."


"Don't push it, I was going to say aesthetically pleasing," Alex laughed. He leaned on the railing and closed his eyes peacefully. The wind was blowing softly through his hair and Thomas almost forgot what they were there for. He was just so captivated by his boyfriend that time seemed to slow down. He was glad that everything was years in the past, leaving him to just enjoy the fact that he had Alex back.

"I'm sure you were." Thomas's hand drifted to the small black box sitting in his pocket. For some reason, he felt around at every detail on the box. Probably to stall. 

"You know, you brought me all the way up here to look out on probably some of the most beautiful things that I have ever seen and you've made no attempt to be sappy and romantic with me. If I didn't know any better I'd say that you planning on breaking up with me. Beautifully bitter, y'know?" Alexander turned around with a smirk on his face. The smirk immediately fell when he noticed Thomas on one knee. "What are you doing?"

"Alexander Hamilton you are probably the most annoying person that I have ever met, but honestly, now that I know you, I'd go crazy without you. Hell, I probably would have. . . So. . . Would you do me the honor of being my ticket onto Easy Street?" Thomas's nerves were raging when he pulled the box from his pocket.

In the most cliched way possible, Alex covered his mouth.

"I don't have very much money to offer you to get onto Easy Street."

"Everything's easier when you're around. Mostly, at least." Thomas smiled. "Like I said, you're my favorite annoyance. So? Can I have an answer here?"

"Can you ask me like a normal person?"

Thomas laughed for a second. "Alexander Hamilton, will you marry me?"

Suddenly Hamilton's face went dead serious. "Why would I?"

Thomas stared at him in shock. "What?"

"Why would I marry you when you weren't there to help me? I was begging for you to help me, why weren't you there, Thomas?"

"I was trying to find you!"

"Not hard enough. You aren't trying hard enough. Why aren't you trying hard enough, am I not enough for you, Thomas? Is this your way of breaking up with a pity-date, just leaving me to potentially die? Why are you wasting time?" 

"What are you talking about! You're standing right in front of me!" 

Thomas looked back down at the box in his hands, only it wasn't there anymore. Somehow it had crumbled to dust and fell right through his fingers. He looked back up at Alexander's face and fell backward, quickly shuffling away. His eyes were nothing more than black holes in his head and it felt like they were staring into Thomas's soul.

"What's wrong Thomas? Don't you love me anymore, Thomas?"

"Yes!" Thomas didn't know how much farther back he could go before he hit a wall. "I still love you, Alex, that hasn't changed! I'm trying!"

"No you aren't, you're wasting time stop wasting time." 

Everything seemed to be getting darker as Thomas looked into Alex's dark eyes. They were terrifying and Jefferson didn't want to go ear them but as soon as Hamilton started blending in with everything else in getting darker, Thomas was running toward him. Despite his running being at full speed, Thomas was staying in the same spot until the surface that he was standing on disappeared completely from under him. 

He bolted upright in the bed, quickly realizing that it was just a dream. He didn't know if he was relieved or disappointed to know that that wasn't really his Alex. He sighed and ran a shaky hand through his hair as he got back into his right mind. He glanced over at his alarm clock to see how much time he had left before his first class of the day. 

The blinking numbers meant close to nothing to him, but he had just enough time to get fully ready and still be early, so he decided to get going to start his day of learning and obsessive searching. 

The day dragged on annoyingly slow. Thomas wanted to scream by the end of his last class. Instead, he just rushed back to his dorm room to get what he needed to start looking again. He was surprised to see Laurens, Mulligan, and Lafayette already sitting on Alex's bed. 

"Hey, you guys ready to go look?" He asked.

"You need to sit down," Hercules said in a low voice. That sent anxiety raging through Thomas's body. There was only one thing that he could think of that would be serious enough for him to be sitting. 

"No," he answered. "We. . . We need to go look for Alex." 

Lafayette stood up and sat Thomas down on the bed on the opposite side of the room. "He's right, you need to sit." 

"Last night," Laf said when was back to sitting. "John was having a bit of a breakdown."

"Well, I mean, his best friend is sort of missing so that's--"

"That's not what it was," John interrupted. He refused to look up from the ground. "I. . . I know who took Alex. I know where he is." 

"That's great! Who?" Thomas was almost ready to cheer until he saw that their faces weren't happy in the slightest. "He isn't. . . He's not dead is he?" 

"No! No." John took a deep breath but didn't say anything else. 

". . . Then what's the problem? Why are we just sitting here when John figured it out?"

"I didn't figure it out." 

"Are you going to stop being vague?"

John flinched even though Thomas barely even raised his voice. 

"I only know where he is and who took him because. . . Because I helped."

"Find him?" Thomas asked, even though he knew the answer. "I swear to God, you better be planning on finishing that with you helped find him."

John wiped his eyes and kept looking at the ground. 

"You son of a bitch." Thomas stood up and tried pulling John off the bed. Mulligan stepped protectively in front of him. "Move!"


"I'm sorry, did you not hear what he just said? He's part of the reason Alex is gone!" Thomas focused on John again. "He trusted you! This entire you've been getting on me about not hurting him, and here you are fucking kidnapping him!"

"He's going to take us to him, aren't you, John?" Laf said, obviously trying to get John to say yes so Thomas wouldn't literally murder him. 

John looked up at him, confused. "What? No."

Thomas went for John again and this time Hercules almost let him. 

"What do you mean 'no'?!" Thomas shouted. 

"You can't just walk in. King'll know you're coming, so we need to get a plan before we try anything." 

"I'll tell you my plan, my plan is to get my goddamn boyfriend away from his psychopathic friend and out of the situation that you put him in." 

"Thomas, that won't work!" John stepped in front of Hercules, obviously testing his boundaries. "Look, I can get him out, alright? They're used to me being there, it won't look suspicious. You, on the other hand, King's got more than one person keeping tabs on you." 

Jefferson looked at John suspiciously. "And how am I supposed to trust you?" 

"I guess you can't. . . But I know that there is no excuse for this. None. And I want to try to at least redeem myself a little? I want to help."

Thomas stayed quiet. He looked at Lafayette and Hercules who were silently nodding like they believed him. He sighed. 

"Fine, what do you got?" 

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