15. Jefferson

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Thomas didn't necessarily regret staying up with Alex, but in the morning he definitely felt the sleep deprivation. 

How does anyone function like this? He thought. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and looked down at Alex, who shifted in the middle of the night from leaning his head on Thomas's shoulder to laying with his head on Thomas's lap and his feet propped on his bed.

He really didn't feel like dealing with Hamilton's attitude so, without moving too much, Thomas reached on top of his desk and felt around for his phone. Once he found it, he checked the time. Since it was still before ten, Jefferson decided that they'd better hurry up and get to the shop. He looked back down at his roommate, who looked. . . Asleep. 

That was the only word that he could think to describe it. Hamilton didn't look peaceful. He looked like he was solving an invisible set of problems, with his scrunched eyebrows. His mouth was pressed into a thin line like the problem wasn't going in his favor.

Thomas was going to wake him up, but a part of him just wanted to let the guy sleep. Despite not looking necessarily "peaceful", it was better than what happened the night before. No matter how absolutely annoying Hamilton could get, and he could get, Thomas didn't want to see him as defenseless as he was when he woke up the first time. It wasn't a good kind, either, not the one where he's head-over-heels in love, it was the kind that makes you want to protect something and never let anything hurt it.

Not that he wanted to protect Alexander, it was just the common association. 

Alex grumbled and rolled over, hugging Thomas's legs in the process. Thomas decided that it was time to wake up and stood up so fast that Hamilton's head took a second before it hit the ground. It definitely woke him up though. 

"What the hell was that for!?" Alex screeched rubbing the back of his head.

"We need to go if you want to beat the lines," Thomas answered curtly as he pulled some shoes on. He never changed out of his clothes from the party, jacket and all. "I'll be in the hall." 

Thomas heard Alex mutter "asshole," as he went into the hallway to wait. He pulled out his phone and quickly punched in Mary's number. Then he erased it, knowing that Mary was horrible with advice and she'd probably be asleep anyway. He dialed Jane's instead.

"Thomas! What are you doing up so early?" Jane asked. She sounded like she'd been up for hours. 

"I'm coming over later. My roommate and I are going out for coffee right now, and as soon as we're done, I'll be over."

"Is everything alright?

Thomas hesitated for a second while he got an idea. "Yeah, everything's great. You know what, why don't you and Mary meet us there instead? I don't think you've met him and he and Mary really hit it off last night." 

"Oh, alright, I guess we can meet you there. Why, though? Is someone afraid of a little date?" Thomas could hear the smile in Jane's voice and he rolled his eyes. 

"It's not a date--"

"What's not a date?" Hamilton asked as he walked out of the room. 

"Nothing. Jane, just meet us there, we're leaving now." Thomas hung the phone and shoved into the jacket that he didn't bother changing. "My sisters are going to meet us there." 

Alex nodded and they started walking. It was quiet until they got into the elevator. 

"So are you just not going to explain the reason why you decided to start my day with a pounding headache?" Hamilton said suddenly, turning to face Thomas with his arms crossed. 

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