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This isn't an update but it is something that must be said and it sort of relates to this story. It'll be taken down when I wake up.

You're human.

You make mistakes.

You regret things you've done.

You can feel upset at times over stupid mistakes.

You may look at yourself and wonder why you're even alive in a world where you feel like nothing goes right but listen here; all those things you're feeling are okay. They're natural. Everyone has those feelings at a certain time in their life but what you should know about those thoughts in the back of your mind is this;

For every little thing you find wrong about yourself maybe your weight, the fact that your face isn't the 'perfect' face you've always wanted, you're too short or too tall, you may not be as bright as the other kids, there is always one good quality about you that you fail to notice but everyone else can see it.

I suck at motivational speeches but as someone who has struggled with self image all my life and has often found myself wondering whether or not I even make a difference in other people's lives I've come to realize something.

Sure I may not be the best people person and I often fuck up a social interactions by being my stupid self, there are so many people who care for me whether I like to believe it or not and the same goes for you sugarplum.

You may not look exactly the way you want to look but shit, you're human and you can't switch your flaws out for something that you find to be perfect because that's not possible. The more you change yourself to fit society's expectations of perfection you lose the real you and to me, that's the most beautiful thing in the world.

To be flawless is to be unnatural and ugly in my opinion. Your flaws make you you okay.

If you ever think about ending it all just think about all the people out there that you've talked to and the people you're friends with because if there is one thing I can tell you it is that suicide doesn't truly solve anything it just leaves behind broken people.

I've lost many people to it and there have been times when I thought I wouldn't come back from it. There was this kid at my old school who would always go out of his way to make someone smile. He was the brightest, most kindhearted young man I had ever met in the world. I ate lunch with him on his last day of school before he took his life without a second thought.

He thought that he didn't make an impact on anyone but the entire school was crying for him, even me a girl who barely knew him. He had made such a huge impact on all of us and he didn't realize it. It took us forever to get over it because just seeing someone trying to smile reminded everyone of him and caused us even more pain.

Don't ever think that suicide is an option because it truly hurts the people around you.

If you all EVER need anything I am always here for you all. Please, always stay aware that everything you hate about yourself is what makes you human just like me and even like the people you admire most.

I really suck at words but I actually hope this showed some of you at least something?

To be perfectly honest, even if I don't know you, just knowing that you felt so alone in the world enough to take you own life over, it really hurts me. I love everyone so dearly whether I would like to admit it or not. I've never been one to be able to convey my feeling properly because of the environment I grew up in as a child but for some reason these things affect me so much because I can relate to the feelings you all have.

I've felt lonely, I've felt like there was no point to even wake up in the morning, I've had moments where I've considered ending it all. It's part of being human and you're not weak. Being weak doesn't mean that you feel those emotions, you're only weak when you've fallen down and refused to get back up from it all.

Please, to all of you, be strong and try to get through whatever it is you're struggling through.

This chapter is dedicated to my friend who is struggling with these problems so please, if you wouldn't mind, leave her some comments telling her she's perfect the way she is and that her life is precious.

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