42- Allura

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Everything felt so... weird. From the tingle in her slender fingertips as she gently picked up her coffee to the heaviness dragging her heart down. Allura didn't understand why she was here. She had agreed to a group putting without ever really thinking about how she would feel about being surrounded by so many people at one time.

She felt anxious.

She felt scared.

Most of all, she felt powerless against all the potential what ifs that could happen.

She was running on an hour of sleep after unrelenting nightmares keeping her up at night from the news of Lindon's death. When she heard about it, she had collapsed into Coran's arms in tears of joy for she had finally escaped a future of pure evil and suffocating darkness and yet that piece of her, her demon, felt sadness and guilt.

She had taken a life with her own two hands. Something that wouldn't stop replaying in her head as she tossed and turned in her bed, sweat staining the sheets as she cried remembering the moments that led her to such a drastic decision. She didn't want to admit it but holding the power over someone in a situation like that felt so... it felt invigorating.

She felt like she could have enjoyed it if she hadn't been so broken up in the moment and that single thought frightened her the most. She explained to the police what had happened to her that night and she didn't quite understand it but Mrs. Lindon refused to press charges or to even get her taken out of the academy she would be returning to on Friday. Mrs. Lindon had taken pity on the girl who had killed her husband, consequently setting her and her child free from the years of abuse they had experienced.

"So, you two are just even more gay for each other now?" Pidge asked, pointing his spoon at Keith and Lance who were sitting closer together than they normally would have.

Allura didn't care about listening to them, she was too busy staring down at her reflection in the coffee. Have felt as if the young woman staring down at her was a stranger. Her eyes weren't as bright as those surrounding her, her skin seemed almost sickly pale for her color, and her hair was sloppy. She looked as if she had been dragged directly off the streets and dropped into society without a transition.

She looked like someone she wouldn't recognize at first glance.

"Shut the hell up Pidge," Keith grunted from across Allura.

She continued to stare down at her reflection, feeling this thing beginning to boil up inside of her. She had felt it ever since that night, reemerging when she felt over stimulated like now. It was this emotion that made her want to scream and flip over the table and punch something as hard as she could until she tired herself out. It was as if the demon in her shadow had finally burrowed deep into her skin, ripping through layers of muscle and spreading through her circulatory system only to gnaw at her heart hungrily. Its smile no longer existent as its red eyes grew more and more bloodthirsty as it consumed her from the inside out. She slowly lifted her right hand from her warm cup and placed it flat against her chest.

Just listening to everyone made her ears ring. She wanted to drop her cup and just press the palms of her hands against the sides of her head but she didn't want to let that demon leeching off of her very essence to win her over so easily. She wanted to keep the sliver of innocence she had managed to keep a grip on. It was like a rose slowly wilting away as time ticked away, a petal falling as it neared its demise.

"Gay!" Pidge snorted as he flicked his trash at Keith's head causing him to lift his cane up but Lance stopped the black haired boy before he whacked the freshman over the head.

Shiro took a deep breath and gently placed his hand onto Allura's leg snapping her out of her weird trance she had been is as she stared at her reflection. "Pidge, let's just enjoy the fact that they're not trying to rip each other's throats out anymore," He sighed using his other hand to pinch the bridge of his nose.

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