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It's more a self-aware slumber. Ingrid knows where she is, who she is, but she's locked inside her own mind. The memories flood her torrentially, attacking without mercy.

"Niklaus!" a little girl's feminine scream echoes throughout the thin walls of the small cottage. It's much less a cottage and more like a hovel, but the Mikaelson family makes do.

A tiny child, with big, sky blue eyes, the kind that children use to their advantage when they want an extra piece of candy or something like that. She's a messy girl, her golden brown hair lay unkempt on her shoulders, and the cotton dress she wore had one too many patches of dirt to be considered clean.

Ingrid realizes, with no small amount of shock, that the girl is herself. Many centuries younger, but nonetheless, her.

Little Ingrid practically bounces from small room to small room, frantically searching for her older sibling.

"What is it now, littlest sister?" Ingrid's head perked up at the voice of her brother, and she sprinted toward him. Niklaus looked at her, seemingly amused. Little Ingrid's eyebrows furrowed together, her mouth contorted into a pout. "Let's play, Nik! You be the wolf, and I'll be the little tiny girl," Ingrid decided.

Niklaus rolled his eyes. "But you're already a little girl. We're not really playing pretend then, are we?" Ingrid's eyebrow quirked up. "And who's to say you're not a wolf?" she said defiantly, pleased by her own bizarre logic in only the way children are.

Her older brother smirked at her. "Who's to say indeed. Well, if I'm truly a wolf, you'd best start running!" Ingrid let out a screech of outrage and ran, while Niklaus chased her, letting out howls every now and then.

The two children played together innocently, the irony of the situation lost on them.

This time, the scene is different. Ingrid's many years older than she was in the previous memory, possibly 13 or 14.

She's sitting on a riverbank with another girl.

(Ah, Ingrid thinks, Astrid something or other)

The other girl is pretty enough, with bright red corkscrew curls and hazel eyes. Ingrid find herself staring at her hair. It's truly the most remarkable thing about her, the fiery blood red hues.

"Ingrid?" Astrid says abruptly. "Do you think Kol and I will end up betrothed?"

Ingrid starts, biting her lip. Of all things for the girl to say, this is not what she expected. Astrid's cheeks turn as red as her hair. "Oh, I apologize for my forwardness.
Father was discussing it, and I just thought-I thought,"

Ingrid gives a tight-lipped smile. "You thought I'd reveal to you whether your filthy bloodline would mix with mine. After all, the Mikaelsons are the most renown family in this village. Well, you thought wrong!"

She stalks off, Astrid's confused gaze following her figure rush off.

(I loved her, Ingrid thinks)


The setting changes suddenly. Ingrid and all her siblings are sitting in a carriage of some sort, after they were turned into vampires. She can see it in the paleness of their skin and just by their (our) ethereal grace that no mere mortal could accomplish.

(Ingrid smiles sadly. They were all so young, so unused to power. Even Niklaus. Their desire for blood had been insatiable, none of them had realized the true extent of their abilities.)

"Siblings," Elijah says, his voice sturdy, strong, even then. "We must plan. Endless bloodshed cannot remain our life's purpose." Ingrid wants to point out that they're already dead, so they have no 'life purpose' but she refrains from doing so.

"I, for one, have no problem with it," Kol grins, depicting a razor sharp smile.

"Of course you don't Kol," Ingrid sighs, looking at the woman on the floor regretfully.
Finn rolls his eyes. "Bloody savages, the lot of you," he sneers. Kol licks his lips. "You're right, Finn. We are bloody, and we are savages. Huh, the simpleton has some brains after all. Who knew?"

Ingrid places her head in her hands while the bickering ensues. Was this the eternity she was condemned to?

(Oh, if only you knew, she thinks)

The last memory is the worst of them all.

(Of course Katerina Petrova's the star of it)

The sun is shining, at odds with the melancholy feeling stemming in Ingrid's gut. It's the day of Katerina's execution, and Nik is relishing in it.

"Hello, little sister, Katerina," he'd greeted them that morning. "Beautiful day, isn't it? Perfect for some..hunting."

(That bastard, Ingrid thinks)

The afternoon had dragged on drearily. The horrifying realization of what was to occur that evening weighed heavily on Ingrid, and she was sure it showed. Nik was being positively obnoxious, which if even possible, made Ingrid feel worse. His little innuendos and jokes about killing and what a beautiful day it was were starting to grate on her nerves.

Night comes quickly though, and Ingrid was panicking. She couldn't allow this to happen. Nik couldn't take the one thing she held dear from her.

But he could.

He would.

And he nearly did

"Run, Katerina," she says.


A/N WOW I FINISHED THIS CHAPTER WHAT. i honestly had so much writers block while writing this, and i got a teeny tiny bit lazy towards the end. lmao i have no inspiration. + this chapter was basically my rendition of what being daggered feels like. next chapter; Ingrid reawakens from her slumber ;)

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