chapter 5: your beautiful like an angel

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Later that day


"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!! WAIT,EMILY WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? IT'S YOUR PARTY!" I heard Hanna shout in the microphone from downstairs.

I'm currently in my room thinking about the time i spent with Ali in the changing room. We ended up talking for the rest of PE as we were gotten a massage from Mr Mark, our PE teacher that today lesson is cancel. Oh gosh how I wish we could have stayed like that forever...

"EMILY EMILY EMILY!" shit everyone downstairs is chanting my name. Haha I better make an appearance..
I stand at the at my stairway balcony and shouted"OKAY OKAY I'M HERE! NOW LET'S PARTY!!!" everyone started cheering, dancing, drinking while I stay upstairs looking down at all of them.

Wait is that who I think it is. I took I a closer look and yes it's her.. "Paige!" I angrily whisper to myself. I tighten my fist together and stomp down the start making my way to her.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE" I shouted, getting ready to punch the shit out of her but Han stopped me. "Wow Em chill! Come let's go to your room" I looked at Han then back to Paige but she wasn't there. Where did that fuck head go! How the fucking world did she dare to come to MY party when I said that I don't ever want to see her. "Come on Emily" Hanna said pushing me to my room upstairs.

We enter my room and she closed the door behind her. "What fuck is Paige doing her, hanna!" "I invited her " "why the fuck did you that for! Do know what she fucking did to MY Ali! She.." shit I can't tell her that, I promise Ali that I will keep my mouth shut and I'm here about to tell it to someone. And out of all people, my best friend Hanna ,the Queen B of RHS.

"She what emily? What did pigskin do to YOUR Ali?" Shit, I called her mine again.. "it nothing, nothing serious at all" I wanted to tell Hanna so badly but I can't, I promise my angel. "Oh emily I think attempt rape is serious" "wait how..did Paige tell you? Are you going to tell everyone about it to make fun out of Ali?!!" I said to her starting to get angry again.

"Relax Em.. Paige didn't tell me, and I'm not going to tell anyone, If I am I could have done it long ago.." "wait what do you mean?" Han gesture me to sit on my bed and I did as I wait for her to reply. "Well just now.. you look super pissed at the comment I made. So I decided to ditch math and come look for you to apologise. But when I opened the changing room door, I saw you shouting at pigskin and Ali on the floor having a panic attacks" she stop to take a breather and then continue"well.. then I put two together. That's how I found out"

"So why didn't you tell anyone? And if you knew why the hell did you still invite her ? " Hanna covered my mouth"gezz em I'm not done yet.." I nod my head and she remove her hand and continue "well I didn't tell anyone yet cause I wasn't planning to. I was still standing outside the door when she came running out like a scared rat haha more like pig, you get it, get it pigskin , pig.." she stop to creak a joke.. "whatever Han continue.." I say rolling my eyes 360 at her lameness.

"Trust me I fucking hate pigskin but I thought by inviting her would give me a clearer understanding what Ali means to you " "huh?" "The girls and I knew that there is something going on with you and Ali. Do you that girl is very strong. she been through alot and she was there for me when you left for LA..when my father died.." she is now getting all teary. "I'm sorry han" i said hugging her

She got out of my embrace and wipe her eyes and continue "and I can't let you just use her as a fuck..she was there for me, now this is the least I can do. So I needed to know how you felt about her and after this I know that she is in safe hands" "Wait what? you guys were friends? Were you the reason why MR Mark cancel our class? What happened that made you feel the need to bully her ? "

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