Chapter 11: on my way princess

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About two weeks later
(Friday )

Em pov

"that's the end of today class, and don't for get your projects are due next Monday bye now!" Mr fitz say leaving the classroom. Finally Last period is over, mr fitz is so bloody boring I swear.. I turn to girls and ask them "hey you all want to head to the brew with me, I'm want to try their new homemade cheesecake!" "No sorry Em Hanna and I have a double date with some these two guys that we met last week" spencer say "ya and if we don't leave now we won't have enough time to look bye now !" Hanna continues dragging spencer out of class before she could say anything. "How about you aria? Are you free?" Hoping she say yes.." Sorry Emily but I have a date too" she say while packing up. What the hell... "You too ?!" "Sorry Em, bye now see you!" She say walking out of class.. By now everyone was already out of class....Well I Guess it's just me myself and I...

"Hmmnnn" I turn to where the sound was come from. I'm not by myself.. How did I not notice that angel sleeping next to me. She must be really tired cause this is the first time I've ever seen her slept in class.. I laugh at myself as I watch her sleep, she so cute humming in her sleep. "Ali ? Wake up class is already over?" I say shaking her lightly. She jump up, look at the clock "shit I'm going to be late!" As she quickly packed her things "Ali wait!" I shouted but she's already out of class... Oh well just me again..

At the brew

"What can I get for you ?" A familiar angel voice spoke up from behind me. So that's why she was in a rush ...I turn and look as her, she's changed out her outfit in school and now wearing same cute uniform I saw her in a few weeks ago, a short wavy black skirt with a white Long sleeves blouse, shit she left her first two buttons of her blouse open.. Oh Gosh she so hot in that.. But I bet she'll be hotter if I ripe that uniform off her goddess body. Fuck I'm get all wet and so horny.. I haven't have sex for about a month now.. And you know I had sex almost Everyday but when I meet Ali.. I didn't feel the need to have it with anyone ... I don't care if she not give it to me, but I'm not going to complain if she did ... Because All I want is to kiss her lips, to hold her close and I want to call her mine.....

"Emily ? Are you going to get anything?" She say snapping me back to reality. "Oh just a cheesecake please " "and that will all ?" "Yup I'm really cheesy " I can see her trying not to laugh at me pun as she nods her head and head to the kitchen.

Ali pov

I can't believe Emily finally take to me after like 2 weeks... Thank god she woke me up or I'll be late and my boss won't be happy about that.. I have been working extra time this past two weeks.. because i need the extra cash. Even though I'm fucking tried.. But I have to work.. For Estella it's her 4 birthday tomorrow and I was planning on buying her a very special gift that I can't afford unless I work for it.. So now I'm here at the brew going to give her cheese cakes..

"Here's your order" I say as I place the plate on the table walking of.. "Wait Ali" Emily say grabbing hold of my arm a little too tight. "Emily it's hurt" I say pointing at her hand. "Oh my sorry, I didn't mean it.. I just need to talk to you" she say as she quickly let go of my arm and place her hand at her neck. "What do you want to talk about Emily? Look I'm sorry about the other day.. I really am.. I just can't see you..I don't like you like you do for me have to understand that..I didn't mean to hurt you.." I say not being able to look into her beautiful eyes.. "I know you didn't mean to hurt me and I know somewhere in you that likes me more than friends should.. Can you come over to my place tomorrow?" "I can't Emily.." "Why not Ali.. I'm not ask you to go out with me ...We have to do your English project it's due on Monday " oh fuck ya that.. After everything I completely forgotten about that project..but I really can't, Estella loves her birthdays...and I can't just leave her on the day she is born.. "Look Em I really want to complete the project too but I already promised someone that I'll be with them about Sunday instead?"

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