Chapter 7: i really want her (part 2)

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Ali pov

"Omg Ali, how do could you not have drank wine before?" Emily say while taking a sip of her wine. Fuck she look so hot.. The way she lightly place her lips on the tip of her glass.. How I wish I am that glass right now. "I don't know, I don't I'm classy enough for it, you know "Emily giggle saying "oh Als your one of the classiest women that I've meet. And I'm not kidding " what she said made me blush again.. Gosh my can't i stop going all red.. It's embarrassing.. "Are you done eating? I want to somewhere " she say smile with dimples showing.. Damn this girl can be so fucking hot one minute then the next so bloody cute.. How the fuck does she do that.. She's driving me crazy

"Yup I'm done, by the way this is amazing " I say as I pointed at my empty plate which in the beginning had a homemade beef lasagna. Emily is surprisingly a great cook, I mean you won't really expect a billionaire Daughter to know how to cook when can just easily fly a famous Chef  from Italy to cook for her.. You know.

Emily stand up and came next to me grab hold of my hand "follow me, I want to show you something special " I stood up and follow her to the garden behind the mansion. I'm confuses as to why the world are we at her garden.. I mean it's nice and all but it's just looks like a private park that's all.."Em what are we doing here? No offence but really what's so special about this place?" Emily turn and face me and laugh a little " we're not there yet silly" I look lost at what she meant cause anything further then this garden is the woods already.

"It's over there " she says pointing straight ahead into the woods. "What? why are we going in the woods.. Your not going to kill me are you?" She grins at me and shakes her head at what I said. She grab my hand once again and pull me into the woods. After about 2 minutes or so..we finally stop walking and now facing a giant tree branch that is blocking my view of what lies ahead. Emily smile widely as she lifted the branch up and pull me to the other side.

Once we are at the opposite side of the branch, I lift my head up and wow what a view.
There was this small but yet beautiful waterfall and lake and the water is as clear at crystal. But what stood out the most was this big old dust rock just right in front of me. "Wow Em this place is beautiful, how did you find this place" I say as I see Emily heading toward rock and sat down, and patting the space left next her, gesturing me to sit down. When I was comfortably seated next to her, she started talking " when I was younger, I will be always left alone with a babysitter as my parents go overseas most of the time. So no one was watching, I would wonder of into the woods and one day I came across that big branch over there " she says as turn and pointed at the place we came at. "Stood there and heard like some kind of weird sounds that I've never heard before, so I got curious and when in. This is like a place where I can be Emily field, not Emily Catherine fields Daughter of a billionaire, you know. I use to come here whenever Things get to much for me. I really miss this place back when I was in LA.. You know this is actually the 1st time I came here since I was back.. And that your the fist person I ever brought here...Oh Gosh how I miss this place " wow it sound like this place means a lot to her, the way she talk like about, the way her hold body language changes, you can see it. But why am I the only one person she brought here... And speaking of which why did you have to come back to rosewood..when I heard she's been doing very well in LA. I want to know..

Em pov

"Em? If you don't mind me asking why did you come back to rosewood? What's the story behind it?Don't you like it there in LA?" Ah there it is.. the question that everyone have been asking me, well except my parents and Han cause they already know.. Now I'm looking at Ali in her eyes and I'm debating on whether to tell her the truth or just lie like what I did to everyone who ask. Somehow I can't seem to dare the thought of lying to Ali.. But if I tell her the truth what if she runs away.. Since I meet her, I've gotten better.. I woke up less then what I usually do... And I know sooner or later she's going to find out anyways.. But it's very hard to talk about it.. It's something that I want to forget but I know I never will. Let's just hope she doesn't take of running..

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