Chapter 8: i love her but i hurt her

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Ali pov

I had so much with Emily, when we got in her house she gave me one of her sweatpants and tee. And Gosh Let me tell You I have never wore anything this comfy before. Em even saw how much I love it that she officially gave this pair to keep, I said no but apparently Em doesn't take no as an answer....Gosh I can never get over Emily natural body scent, it's just so addictive.

It's now 6pm and Emily just drop me off at the brew. She offered to drive me home but i just told her that I had to get something from a shop first, so she left. I really hate lying.. Especially to Emily but I mean it's not really a lie, I do have to get something but not from a shop..from Mrs Clark's house.. Estella. I wonder how much fun she had with Mrs Clark, I know that Stella love hear her stories. I thought my phone out and dial for Mrs Clark " Hi Mrs Clark, Alison here." "Hello Alison are you calling " "oh I just want let you that I'm on my way to pick up stella" "oh no there's no need"
"Mrs Clark What do you mean there's no need?" " Because I brought her to your place thinking that you be home but you weren't but lucky Your Father had already come home " my Father? His died , what the hell is this old woman talking about... "I'm sorry Mrs Clark..I don't get what you mean.."  " oh Alison earlier I brought estella to your place but your weren't around but there was this man who say that his Estella's Father .. Your Father was that home. He said that he will take care of estella. Oh and he told me that he had just come back from a business trip, he can't wait to see you!" Wtf no it can't... It can not be him.. " Mrs Clark Did he happened to tell you his name?"   "oh yes his name is Kenneth isn't it? " fuck my life, he's back after weeks of being gone.. And Estella is all alone with this devil.. I need to get home now, I really don't what he will do with my Stella but hopefully he did not nothing... "Yes Mrs Clark, I really need to go now and thank you for everything bye" I hung up the phone before she reply me and run like lightning all the way home.

I really hope Stella is alright, I swear I will kill that Son of a bitch if he lay a hand on my girl. Even if I know he can easily kill me but I don't really care.. Estella is literally my world, I will be so lost without she the best thing that had ever happened to me. She might be only 3 but She knows me better than anyone..including myself. She's my life and I truly love that kid more than anything else in the world. When I reach my front door, I was panting like a mad dog.. I swear I never ran so fast in my whole entire life. I feel the world spinning and i could black out any minute... No Ali! Get your shit together... I slowly turn the nod..praying that Estella is save and that he is not real home. When I opened the door I immediately saw Estella curl up hugging her legs sitting on the sofa. I ran up to her and Glad to see that she wasn't physical hurt, but there was hot tears running down her cheeks and she repeated "I'm sorry" to me. I was confused..I wanted to ask to why she's apologising to for , but I decided to hold her into a hug and told her to calm down.

"Oh look who's back from her date" a voice, coming from man I hated so much. I know he's behind me but I didn't turn around..I don't want to..."Why were you on the date with a girl when you should be taking care of my Daughter!?" My eyes widen..What the fuck didn't he know. Then I look at Estella, she was mouthing out sorry and blue eyes were teary again.. Oh Gosh she told him about her.... I was about to lean in hug Stella but He grabbed hold of my golden locks, peel me out of Estella embrace and held me up. I give Stella the look which is says to locked herself in the room till it's safe and without a question she did exactly as told. "YOUR DADDY IS TALKING TO YOU AREN'T I .. SO I EXPECT YOU TO LOOK AT ME, SLUT !" He shouted still holding me up by my hair. "OoOuch.. I'm sorry Kenneth..please put down..please . " I beg in pain, looking him in The Eye. "Oh baby I love it when you beg"He said it with a cheeky smirk on his face as he throws me on the sofa.. Lucky it's the sofa and not the wall like last time..

"It makes my cock hard" he laugh out, walking to me. Eww fucking asshole.."so did you have fun with your bitch?" He ask while forcefully making me to lay on the sofa. I didn't answer him, I glare at him as I try to get out of his grip. "ANSWER ME BITCH!" Shouting at my face and slap me hard on the cheek. "Y..yes" I cried out in pain. "You lesbian now? No no no I will allow this, call her, and tell her it's over between" what! No he can't do that.. I just met Emily and I think I'm staring to fall for her... I can't just call it off. "No! " I shouted, his eyes widen at my reply. "Your not my dad and It's none of you business!"I shouted back, not knowing where the confidence came from. He's face turn red with anger..if looks could like I would be died right now... He went closer to me grab my hands placing it above my head and pin my body down on the sofa by putting is legs at both sides of my hip. " DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT..DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME SLUT!" He shouted right in my face.. I nodded and tears roll down my cheeks.."I'm your daddy alright, I married your mom didn't I.. Now call her !" I was too scared to say anything but I still didn't want to do it so I just shook my head to say no.

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