Chapter 9: i finally got her back

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Emily pov

After Alison called me, I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep thinks about Ali.. See this is why I don't open up to people...I can't believe this..she went out with me, she kissed me, we kissed.. How could she.. I told her my story....I trusted her I even told her that I love her, and that was the first time I've ever said it to someone other then on shows or movies but she..she doesn't love me back..Gosh what am I to her, is this just a game to her.. To see if she can crack the famous player.. Well if it is she definitely win...

Gosh Emily stop it.., she might have good reason.. Yes there must be, I see the way she look at me I know she love me..lets just ask her..

At school
I walked into school and as I pass by the the washroom, I heard a group of girls talking about my Alison. "Omg Brit did you see Alison neck this morning.. Fuck it was huge" what ? What are talking about? " I'm actually not surprised, I mean she's the school slut anyways.." Wait did she just all Ali a slut, I clinch my fist..oh you Son of a bit.."I know but damn that hickey was huge.. I just want to know who is she calling daddy hahaha" hickey!? What the fuck are they talking about..I don't remember giving her a hickey at all..maybe because she was the one sucking down my neck the hold entire time..Wait you don't this she sleep with a guy after our date and come to find out that she like guys instead... Omg Em stop thinking like that..she's not that type of haven't even seen her yet, this bitches could just be making up some bullshit.. Right?

Suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder, causing me to jump. "Wow Em chill it's just me" I turn around saw the one and only hanna. "Emily where have you been? You missed first period" aria say coming from behind hanna. "Oh I er overslept.." I say as I rub one of my hand on the back of my neck. Spencer came rushing in behind from Han and aria "now your here, great, let's go to fitz class now! We don't want to be late " she say pulling me, aria and hanna to class.


We were sitting waiting for Mr fitz to come in to class. I look next to and saw that Emily's sit is empty again...where is she? Is she not coming to school today??

Suddenly the class door open and Spencer was pulling Emily and Hanna in the class room with aria following them behind. As Emily walks up to at her sit, next to me she keeps trying to my eye contact but I did whatever I could to not look at her. Which is hard cause gosh I want to see that beautiful face of hers.. but I can't..she will be able to see how puffy and red my eyes were from all the crying last night... You know I almost couldn't open my eyes this morning cause it was damn sore.

"Hey there Ali ?" She says while sitting down but it came out more like a question instead. Shit what do I do..? Do I say something or just completely ignore her... I could see the frown and disappointment in her face as she look down at her table when noticed that I wasn't replying.. gosh it kills me to see her like this.. I have too..

I turn and face her, she is still looking down at her table "hi" I say in the most softest way possible before turn back to my work. At the side of my eye I notice Emily jerk up from her sit, turn and smile goofy at me that I actually reply. I want to tell her how fucking cute she look but I can't.. I'd just be leading her on.. cause I know she and I can never be together...

Mr Fitz came in and started lesson, gosh why is English so boring.. Mr Fitz is making us write a story about our life.. the heck am I going to do that... Once in awhile I can feel emily staring at me.. and when she isn't I would take a peek.. gosh she look so fucking adorable​, the way her eyebrows rise when she doesn't know wait to write or the way she bite her lower lips when she is thinking.. gosh I just want to go over there and bite her lips for her..I want to taste her.. I want to make her scream my name.. I want to put her on the table and fuck the__

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