Chapter 14: i'm here for you

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Em pov fire is getting bigger now.. "Ali get out of there now!!" I shouted for Ali "I can't I'm stuck Emily!" She shouted back.. I went closer to her and her leg was stuck under a big art frame.. I went to help her but she pushes me away.."what Ali I'm trying to help you.." "No..get out now before it's too late..take care of Estella for me okay" Alison say as tears roll down her cheeks... "No!! Ali don't do this !! I..I can't fucking lose you!!" I scream out.. My vision is getting blurry because of the smoke and my tears.. But someone grab hold of my waist and carried me away from Ali.."Ali!!! No!! Please!" I scream crazily as I try to reach for her..Ali shook her head.."I love you Emily.." That was her last words before the fire ate her up..I'm outside now watch my house and the love of my life burn to ash..."NO!!!!!! Ali....I love you too...please..DON'T LEAVE ME ALI!!" I scream out wildly..

"Emmy..Baby wake's okay I'm here okay.." I open my eyes.. And my head is lying on Alison chest.. I quickly wrapped her around my arms..very tightly.."it just a dream my love.. I'm here alright.." Alison say moving my hair of my face and wipe the sweat that was getting to my eyes.. And the tears, I cried.. "Ali.. I..I almost lost the fire.. I..I thought I wasn't going to see..I was so scared Ali.." I say grabbing her very tightly.. "It's okay Emmy.. Your not going to lose me alright.. Now rest before I call you up again to get ready for school.." She says. "Okay Ali... But promise me you will not leave me.." I say snuggling up to her.. "Never.. My love I promise.." I nod and smile slightly and doze back to sleep.

Ali pov

I lay there watch the love of myself sleep.. Fuck she just so cute.. "Ali and Em! Come down now... We need to sent you're Daughter to school.. And if you both don't hurry we are going to be late too.." Hanna shouted very loudly from down stairs.. I'm actually quite happy she did come up and wake us up.. Or she'll see all of our clothes all over the bedroom floor..."Emmy sweetie wake up.." I say kissing Emily forehead.."hmmm one more minute.. " Emily say sleepy.. "No baby now.. We don't want Hanna to come up here and see us like this don't we.." I say getting out of bed.."er..I don't care I just want to sleep with you all day.." Emily says pouting as she sit up and rub her eyes.."me too Em but we can't.. Estella needs to go to school and so do we..." I say.. " okay fine..and I'm loving the view by the way.." Emily says giving me a cheeky smile.. Then I realised I'm standing in front of Emily completely naked... My face turn as red as a tomato..

"Aw is Ali blushing.." Emily say walking up to me..i just shook my head and look at her from Top to toe.." Your so fucking beautiful.." I say as I placing my arms around her neck..."and so are you my love.." Emily away as she place her arms around my waist and pull me so close to her that both of our naked body meet.. "So what are we?" Emily asked.. "I don't know what do you want us to me?" I giggle.. Emily then place her Chin on my shoulder, swaying us from left to right.. And then started singing... Which cause me to smile my wides

" some people live for the fortune...some people live just for the fame...some people live for the power..yeah.. Some people live just to play the game.."

"Some people think that the physical things define what's within...and I've been there before..but that's life's a bore full of the superficial.."

"cause some people want it all ... But I don't want nothing at all.. If it ain't you, baby..if I ain't got you baby..some people want diamond rings...some just want everything"

Emily then pulls away.. Looked deeply and loving into my eyes and sang the last line..
" but everything means nothing if I ain't got you... Yeah"

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