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What's up, fuckaaaaas? So I don't think Chris, Julian, & Ding Dong all live together, but the cool thing about a fanfic is that you can't give me shit for writing something that isn't real lmaooooo so in this fic they all live together yay. 

Chris's POV

After y/n drops me off, I head back to my apartment. Julian and Ding Dong are sitting on the sofa playing some stupid Unity game. I grab a can of Monster from the fridge, chugging half of it. I leap over the back of the sofa, landing perfectly next to them. Ding Dong jumps up, almost putting a hole in the ceiling with his head, while Julian screams so hard he starts wheezing. They both end up laughing and returning to their spots on the couch. 

"That was not cool, Chris," Julian says, running a hand through his hair.

"Sorryyyy," I reply in a dumb voice. 

"Did you have fun with y/n?" 

I look at the ground, smiling slightly. "Yeah," I reply, "I had a great time. I played her the song and she loved it." 

Julian looks over at me, his chubby cheeks falling into dimples. 

"You loooove her," he says. I chuckle in response. Ding Dong looks at me now, too.

"Woah, does Chris actually have a crush?" He asks in a condescending voice. I laugh at him, shrugging my shoulders. 

"I don't know, I mean, I guess." I think about how much I wanted to kiss her when we were sitting at the keyboard. The front part of her hair fell in her face, so she tucked the side nearest to me behind her ear. I got to take a closer look at her face- the freckles that dotted her face like constellations. Her eyelashes were long and dark, making me wonder what she'd look like looking up at me through them, if I got the chance to get close enough. 

"I thought you only had eyes for Ariel's Kingdom Hearts model," Ding Dong says, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table as he continued to play the game. I nervously slip on my Monster, not knowing what else to say.

"Shut up," I reply with a laugh.

"She is really pretty," Julian adds. 

"Yeah, she is," I say absentmindedly. 

"Are you gonna ask her out?" 

"I don't know... maybe," I say. "Well. I'm going to bed," I say, getting up from the couch.

"G'night," Julian calls. 

"When you pull your foreskin back thinking of y/n tonight, try to keep it down," Ding Dong adds, making me turn around and chuck my empty can of Monster at him. He jumps, landing perfectly back in his spot. I turn and go into my room. I change out of my hoodie, t-shirt, and jeans and replace them with a pair of sweatpants. I lay on my bed and scroll mindlessly through Twitter. Then, just as I'm about to lock my phone and go to bed, it dings. I look at the screen and see that y/n has texted me 

y/n: I had a ton of fun with you guys tonight. I'm super excited to see It with you! 

Chris: I had fun too. i think our song is gonna be awesome. 

y/n: *my longest yea boi ever*

Chris: you're such a fuckin melvin. 

y/n: yes but i'm yoooour melvin.

Chris: lol yeah.

y/n: well, I'm off to bed. see you tomorrow

Chris: you got it. sleep tight x

I cringe at myself. Really? Adding an "x" at the end? I roll my eyes at myself and get under the covers. I think quickly about what Ding Dong said before I went to bed. Damn it, DD, I think, now I'm too self-conscious to jerk off. 

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