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So, the video above is the song I imagined Chris & y/n would do together. Just so ya know <3 PS thanks for the reads so far!!! I'm trying to get a few chapters under my belt so people will be more drawn to it. I'm also changing the name to Particles, which is the name of the song in the video & the song you write together in the story. THANKS.

Also, I'm currently playing around with the idea that the main character in the story struggles with body image. A lot of fics I read don't have a bigger girl as the main character, and that makes me sad. Plus size representation is really important, so I figured I'd represent right here! I'm sorry if it makes identifying with the main character hard, but I felt this was an important decision (: ALSO also, I'm considering doing a separate book with just imagines of Chris and maybe Ryan and Matt & whoever is requested, so let me know if you'd want to see that! I have a ton about the boys I've written before and I think it'd be fun to publish some of it. Thank you <333


I wake up the next morning to the sound of Kenobi barking. I jump out of bed and rush over to him, clamping his mouth shut gently. He's barking at the door, meaning someone's probaby knocked. I grab his collar and lead him into my room, closing the door behind him. 

When I get to the door and look through the peephole, To my surprise, it's Chris. He's holding a box of some sort. I open the door, and he smiles at me.

"Hey, good morning," he says. 

"Hey, Chris, what the heck are you doing here?" I ask. I gesture for him to come in, which he does. I go to the coffee maker on my kitchen counter and start brewing a pot.

"Well, Django woke me up at 6am, then I couldn't go back to sleep. So I walked to Dunkin Donuts to pick up some breakfast, then I remembered your place was on the way. I hope I didn't show up too early..." He trails off, as if he thinks him coming over and offering me doughnuts would make me angry. 

"God, no! I was supposed to wake up and walk Kenobi about an hour ago, but clearly my alarm didn't go off. So I guess I'm actually thankful you're here," I say with a laugh. He laughs in return. 

"Where is that boy? I miss him." He makes a sad face, making me giggle. I cross the apartment to my room and let Kenobi out. He zooms out and jumps on Chris. Out of all my friends that he's met, Chris has for some reason been his favorite. Chris pats his head and melts to the floor, letting Kenobi jump all over him. I laugh as I take the coffee pot and pour 2 mugs. I like my coffee black, but I don't know about Chris, so I take out a carton of almond milk. He pours a bit of milk into his coffee once he escapes Kenobi's death grip. 

"So I hope it's still okay if I tag along with you guys to the movie." I sip the coffee, embracing the way it scalds my tongue. He smiles over at me, and I notice how he reminds me of a little kid sometimes. When he's excited about something, it's written all over his face. 

"Yeah, of course! I'm really excited to see it." After a while of talking about the movie, I excuse myself to change my clothes. When I come out, he sits with me, and we talk some more while I do my hair and put on my makeup. We eat more doughnuts than the average person should all the while. Now we're sitting on the floor of my living room. The one piece of furniture I'm lacking is a desk to do my makeup at. So I've put a floor-length mirror behind my couch, next to my display of Disney mugs. That's my designated get-ready spot. 

"I was gonna bring these into the office today but clearly we've eaten most of them," he comments, looking down at the almost-empty box. An hour ago it was a full dozen. 

"Hide the evidence in my fridge," I reply. 

"Or we could just eat the rest of them," he says with a chuckle, picking up the last chocolate creme-filled. I laugh, but then I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a loose red top and dark wash jean shorts. Even though the top is loose, I still see my stomach bulging out from underneath the fabric. I pull out the part that's pinned underneath my boobs, then straighten my back to make my stomach look flatter. 

"Nah, I'm good for now." I try to smile, but I don't think it's very convincing to Chris. He looks at me, concerned. 

"You okay?" He asks, the volume of his voice lower than it usually is. 

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just remembered I have a ton to do today. We should get going." I get up from my spot on the floor and slip on my white low-top Converse. I grab my bag and look back at Chris.

"Do you wanna walk to work? It's not that far," he asks. I nod, and we head out. The entire way there, we talk about movies and music. He stops at Starbucks for yet another coffee. I laugh at him when he offers to buy me one.

"Chris, I literally just had a cup. Do you know how much poop will explode from my butthole if I try to drink more coffee?" He bursts into laughter, filling up the entire Starbucks with his adorable giggles. Once he has his coffee, I usher him back out onto the street. We walk to the office together. Once there, he opens the door for me. I walk in and immediately see Matt, Julian, and Ding Dong. Matt and DD have light sabers in their hands and are viciously attacking one another. Julian is laying back in a computer chair, wheezing with laughter. Chris and I instantly start laughing. We take out our phones, snapping pictures we know Twitter will never have the pleasure of seeing. 

"Oh, my God," I say when the battle gets really heated. "You guys, come on, you're gonna break the office!" They both laugh at me before finally settling down. Then, without warning, Matt takes his light saber and pierces the space between DD's arm and chest. He lays down on the ground making a sound not unlike Tina from Bob's Burger's classic groan. Once his head hits the floor, his tongue lolls out of his mouth. We all laugh as Matt jumps up onto a chair and throws his arms up. 


I become hyper aware of the fact that I've been playing with the hem of my shirt- making sure it's securely pulled down over my shorts. 

"What's wrong, y/n? Gotta pee or something?" Chris asks when he sees me fidgeting. I remove my hands from my shirt and lightly smack him on his cheek. "THAT'S DOMESTIC ASSAULT," he screams, feigning injury. He lands on top of DD, who hasn't risen from his spot on the floor. DD lets out a puff of air, then demands Chris get off of him. I step over what looks like a giant orgy on the floor and head to the editing bay to sit at my desk. 

"Hey, y/n," Ryan says from his desk. As much as I love the other boys, I love the warmth and quiet atmosphere of a room with just Ryan. 

"Hey," I reply, setting down my bag. We talk as we work, until Matt comes in and tells Ryan it's time to record. The two of them walk out of the room, leaving me alone. I work in silence for what feels like 12 hours, but when I look at the clock, I see it's only been 3. 

"Time for lunch," I say to no one. I walk to the kitchen, where Chris is sitting with Matt. When I walk in and say hello, it's like they were in the middle of an intense conversation. 

"Sorry... I didn't mean to interrupt," I say as I take my salad out of the fridge. 

"It's fine, you didn't," Matt says. "We were actually thinking of going to see It tomorrow night at 8 if you still want in." I nod enthusiastically. 

"Yeah, yeah, sure!" I say. I sit down next to Chris and open my salad. 

"Healthy," he says, glancing down. It's a small salad with caesar dressing on the side in a tiny cup. 

"Yeah, you know, I'm trying to be healthy," I say, moving a crouton around my bowl. 

"So," Matt begins, "I think we're gonna just leave straight from the office tomorrow and grab some dinner before the movie." I nod and eat a bite of my salad. We discuss logistics of where we'll eat and how we'll get there. Matt gets up and heads to the podcast room to set up the recording for Doodle Doods. 

"Would you ever wanna do Doodle Doods?" Chris asks from the other side of the table. 

"Probably not. I can't draw for shit," I giggle.

"Well neither can Ryan, but his episodes are some of my favorites." He finishes the last bite of his burrito from Chipotle before getting up and throwing away the garbage. 

"Maybe I'll consider it," I say teasingly, looking up at him. He nods, says goodbye, and heads back to the podcast room to record Doodle Doods. After eating half of my salad, I head back to the editing bay. 

I didn't really like how this chapter ended but ya know what that's life, kid. 

I'm definitely gonna start publishing some of my one-shots about Chris, so keep your eye on this space haha whee

Particles | Chris O'NeillWhere stories live. Discover now