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ya girl's back yippee this chapter suxxx so I may return to it soon & add more to the Disney part. but y'all were so patient so here's a new chapter yay 

The next week goes by SO slowly. I write a million articles for Disney and edit a million videos for the boys. Chris and I go out for lunch together almost every day, and we learn more and more about each other. He's taken to calling me "cutie," which I don't mind at all. I still call him "cunt" or "dickhead," but I'm still getting the hang of pet names.

By the time Saturday arrives, I could not be more excited. We've decided that we'd DisneyBound as Peter Pan and Wendy Darling. I throw on a baby blue dress and put my hair in a half ponytail, secured with a blue bow. I even change my phone case so it's Peter Pan themed. When Chris arrives at my house, I greet him with the green Peter Pan hat I've made him. He smiles his big dumb smile and secures it over his messy hair.

"This is awesome," he says, looking at himself in the mirror in my room. I told him to come in for some breakfast before we go to the park. I set a plate with two pancakes and a small mound of grits on the breakfast bar, and smile as he eats it quickly. I eat with him, only I eat half a pancake and a few bites of grits.

"I'm glad you like it," I say when he finishes.

"Why aren't you eating more?" He asks, gesturing to the tupperware container of pancakes on the counter.

"Saving room for all the churros you're gonna buy me at Disney," I say with a smirk, hoping to deflect the fact that I ate so little.

"You got it," he replies, punctuating his sentence with a kiss on my cheek. I blush as he scoots my chair out for me. I slip on a pair of black flats, grab my bag, and kiss Kenobi's head before we head down to my car.

When we get to Disneyland, we take a cheesy picture in front of the castle. Our cheeks are pressed together, and Chris is holding two churros. He hands me one, and I bite into it enthusiastically after dipping it in chocolate. He laughs at me as I rip the churro from my mouth.

"You're a fucking monster," he says, referring to the chocolate caked around my mouth. For some reason, with him, my insecurity doesn't exist. Usually it's impossible for me to eat in front of anyone, let alone the guy I like. But he doesn't make me feel gross for it. He lifts his thumbs to the corners of my mouth and swipes some of the chocolate off. He tastes it, then smiles down at me.

"That's good," he says, then leans down and kisses the side of my mouth. I giggle and push him away. His hand finds mine and we walk around, enjoying our churros and talking about everything. 

We spend the entire day riding rides, eating junk food, and crying over the characters we meet (okay that was really just me). 

Chris's POV

She's perfect. Her hair is curled and falls perfectly on her shoulders, tied together with a blue bow. Rather than holding my hand, she tends to cling onto my arm, wrapping her hands around it like a little kid. 

She insists we ride the teacups twice. When I spin the teacup as fast as humanly possible, she's giggling and grabbing my arm tightly. I laugh when we exit the ride the second time, and she can barely walk. 

We get a prime spot for the fireworks show, Dreams Come True. She cries, of course. I look over at her in the middle of it all. Her face is illuminated by changing colors, and her eyes flinch whenever the fireworks crack in the sky. As a tear escapes her eye and runs down her cheek, it reflects the lights as well. I lean over and kiss her under the colors, and we sway mindlessly to the music that accompanies the show. I put my forehead against hers, and she smiles, her cheeks red. 

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