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(A/N: this chapter is pretty short & I totally didn't post it as filler because I want to post something)

Chris's POV

I wake up to the sound of my ringtone blaring. I look at the screen and see "restricted" slide across the screen. I decline the call, hoping to return to my position wrapped around y/n. But she stirs, stretching her arms up. I kiss her cheek.

"What time is it?" She asks, snuggling into my chest. I run a hand through her hair. I look back at the screen before setting my phone on the bedside table. 

"9am," I say. She groans and rubs her eye. 

"Why are we awake?" 

"My phone rang."

"I hate your phone. Let's go back to sleep," I lay down next to her and gather her into my side. She lays her head on my chest, and I place a kiss on the top of her head. 

"I'm meeting Arin in a few hours... we're getting lunch with some Newgrounds people." 

"Oh, well that sounds fun," she says. She reaches up and kisses my neck. I lean my head over to block her from kissing it again.

"Get outta here!" I say in a dumb voice. She giggles and put her head back on my chest. I could stay here forever. 

"I like you a whole lot," she says suddenly. 

"I like you a whole lot too." I reply. 

We stay in bed for about an hour before we decide to get up and start our day. She makes us some coffee while I make pancakes. We eat our breakfast while watching Futureman (a/n: if you haven't seen futureman & you have hulu PLEASE watch it- it's so good). When it's time for me to leave, she walks me all the way to my Uber, which is waiting outside. 

"I'm so happy," she says as I hug her goodbye. 

"Me too, kid," I reply, squeezing her a bit tighter. 

"You don't happen to have any plans for Thanksgiving, do you?" She pulls away just enough to look at me, but my arms stay around her waist. 

"Nah, we don't celebrate that shit in Ireland," I reply.

"I figured. Would you maybe consider coming to the "friendsgiving" dinner I'm planning?" She looks up at my with her beautiful eyes wide.

"Of course, you dingus," I say. She stands on her tip-toes and kisses me quickly. 

"Yay," she says when she pulls away. "Okay, so I'll see you tomorrow?"

"You got it, babe." 


I blush when he calls me babe. He kisses me one more time before he gets in the car. I watch it roll down the block before I head back into my apartment. 

I spend most of the afternoon cleaning and lounging around. 

At 7pm on the dot, I get a call from my mom. 


"Hey, sweetheart, it's Mom."

"I know, I have caller ID," I giggle.

"Oh, right," she replies. "So how are things?" I explain all that had happened in the last few weeks- minus the sex I had the night before... and the making out with Ryan. I also left out the tiny detail of me having a boyfriend now. She'd just bring up Devin and we'd have to talk it to death yet again.

"So, that's pretty much it. I love my job so much." I smile at my feet, thinking about Chris.

"I'm so happy for you, honey." 

"Thanks, Mom."

"So..." she starts nonchalantly, "what are your plans for Thanksgiving?" I take a sharp breath in. I was hoping this wouldn't come up. 

"Well, you know, I'm not huge on Thanksgiving, so I was just gonna have a small get together here. My boy- uh my friend Chris is from Ireland so he doesn't celebrate it. I was gonna invite him and a few people over to my apartment and-"

"Come home for a bit. Please. I miss you. Dad misses you." I shake my head, knowing she won't see me. 

"I can't, Mom." I feel my throat start to grow scratchy and tight. 

"Why? We haven't seen you since you moved. I barely get to talk to you on the phone. Your dad is worried sick about you because you won't call him. Y/n, please. Just for a weekend." 

My lip starts to shake, so I pull it between my teeth, trying hard not to let my voice crack. 

"I want to. I really do."

"This is about Devin, isn't it?" When she says his name, a sob rolls out of me.

"Yeah. He threatened me, Mom. He said I shouldn't come back."

"He can't hurt you if you're with us. How about if you bring your friend Chris... you said he doesn't celebrate it, but if that would make you feel better, you're more than welcome to bring him." 

I weigh my options. If I don't go, my family will hate me, and Devin and his friends will think I'm scared of him... which I am. If I go by myself, I run the risk of running into him. If I take Chris, I'll feel safer, but he may have to meet Devin, and that's the last thing I'd want. 

"Okay, Mom. I'll see if he wants to go. Either way, I'll be there." 

I can almost hear her smile through the phone. Even though Kentucky is the last place I'd want to be right now, I'm excited to see my parents. 

"Good. It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without you." I smile, thinking about past Thanksgivings. 

"Will Collin and Meredith be there?" I ask, referring to my brother and sister-in-law. 

"Yep. Lizzie is actually having "friendsgiving" with her friends this weekend." I think about how much my 13-year-old sister must have grown. I suddenly am overcome with excitement. Even if I have to see Devin, I'll be with my family. It's not like they'd let anything happen to me. Especially Collin. He's the typical overprotective older brother. 

"I'm really excited to see you guys." 

"You guys?"  She says with a giggle. "What happened to y'all? Are you really turning into a Californian?" I laugh, shrugging. 

"I guess I am," I reply. We catch up for a few more minutes before I hang up. 

Once I've hung up and pressed play on Futureman, a thought makes me freeze. 

How the hell am I going to ask the guy I've been seeing for less than a month to come meet my family?

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