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Hey guys! This is a pretty short chapter, but I have a lot I want to do in the next few chapters. Hope you like it anyway! Also, I posted the first chapter to my Ryan Magee fic! It's called "You" & I'm really excited to continue it! WHEEEEEEEEEEEE


After pacing around my apartment with Kenobi at my heels for an hour, I decide to wait until I see Chris the next day at work to ask him. I spend way too much time thinking about how to word it. 

<time skip brought to you by my dog who won't shut up>

I wake up the next morning feeling great. Partly because of the fact that I get to see Chris, and partly because of the text that's waiting for me 

Chris: Good morning, cutie! Don't make breakfast, I brought some doughnuts to the office for you so get your ass here soon!

Y/N: Aww, you're such a sweet little autismo <3 I'm getting ready now so don't eat all of them, fatty. 

I smile at my phone and start getting ready for the day. I look out my window and see that it's raining- an uncommon event for LA. I've taken to driving to work most days, but today I decide to walk. I grab my umbrella and throw on my favorite pair of waterproof sneakers. As I walk, I realize people in LA hate the rain. They drive like maniacs and walk like the sky is literally falling all around them.

When I finally make it to the office, I'm greeted by Ryan, who's holding a suitcase. 

"Where are you off to?" I ask, forgetting that Thanksgiving is less than a week away. 

"I'm leaving for South Carolina today. I just had to stop in to grab a few things on my way to the airport," He says, walking around me. 

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about Thanksgiving. I should probably book my flight home," I say. He hugs me goodbye before heading out. 

I walk to the kitchen to see a Dunkin' box sitting on the counter. Chris has taped a note to the front.

"If you eat the pink doughnut I got for Y/n, I will cut your head off and shit down your neck. Thanks xoxo"

I giggle and open the box. There's a perfect pink frosted doughnut waiting for me. I pick it up, and, for the first time, ignore the amount of calories and take a huge bite. I walk over to the recording room window and see Chris, Julian, and Ding Dong recording Kingdom Hearts. Chris glances over and sees me, and his face lights up, making me blush. He says something into the microphone then jumps up and rushes out of the room to me. 

When he gets to me, he plants a long kiss on my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck, careful not to get any pink frosting in his hair. 

"Hey," he says when he pulls away.

"Hi there," I reply. "Thanks for the doughnut." He chuckles and nods.

"You're welcome. I was worried Arin would eat it, but I guess he didn't want to die today." I giggle at him before remembering what I need to ask him.

"Hey, when you're done recording, come see me, I need to ask you something." Maybe if I make it seem like it's not a big deal, it won't be a big deal to him.

"Yeah, sure," he says, looking slightly worried. "Is everything okay?" I nod and hug him.

"Of course, everything is fine. Now go back in there and make the funnies." He chuckles at me before kissing me one more time. 

"Woah, get a room," Barry says. Chris pulls away and turns bright red, making me giggle.

"Sorry, Barry," I say. He laughs and shakes his head.

"It's okay, I'm just happy you guys are happy." He smiles before walking back towards his office. Chris and I part ways. I head to the editing room and get loads of work done while I wait for the boys to get done recording. Matt has already left to go home too, so it's just me listening to Hamilton alone in our office. 

A few hours later, Chris comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my neck. I look up at him and he plants a kiss on my head.

"So what did you need to ask me?" He says right away. He pulls Ryan's computer chair over to me and sits. 

"So. Thanksgiving is coming up. I know you don't celebrate it because you're a filthy foreigner." 

"Hey fuck you and your xenophobic ways," he says through laughter. I laugh too before continuing. 

"Wellll, I really didn't think I was gonna go home. I know I said I was just going to have a Friendsgiving party at my place, but my mom called and said she'd be heartbroken if I didn't come." I pause, not knowing how to proceed. 

"Are you asking me to dogsit Kenobi? Because I'd totally be down." I smile and shake my head.

"No, no no. I was... uh... wondering if maybe you'd wanna come with me? Just for a couple of days. I know we've only been a thing for, like, a week, but I'd really love for you to come." 

The wait for his reaction feels like it lasts an hour. Soon his mouth curls into a huge smile.

"Of course, I'd love to," he says through his smile. I beam at him before jumping over to hug him. He pulls me into his lap, and I giggle as he kisses my cheek.

"Are you sure?"


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