Wallahi there is good and bad in everything and everyone. If you look hard enough you can see that. You just need to search for it. And soon you will realise the beauty in everything around you. Always search for the good and ignore and step away f...
Whatever it is that's hurting you, whatever it is that's causing you pain, whatever it is, that's meant you don't smile as much as you used to, you don't talk as much as you used to and you're a different person to who you used to be,
know, that there is a purpose behind it, whether you understand it or not. There is wisdom behind it, whether you see it or not and there is goodness in it, whether you're able to find it then or not.
And isn't it strange, how for some reason, we only realise that when everything is going good for us? Yet when we're going through a hard time, we seem to forget that the pain and heartache, that too, has a purpose. That too, is building us, fixing us, preparing us, and teaching us.
Sometimes you can't make sense of it right then, but after some time you understand why, and you're grateful, that you went through those things, just so you could come back to your Lord.
Everything that has been created serves a purpose. The sun you wake up to every morning, has a purpose. Those trees you walk past every day, have a purpose. Each of your organs within you, have a purpose. And those tests and trials you're afflicted with, they too, have a purpose.
So perhaps you are touched with hardships, soaked in sorrow and enveloped with sadness, but let your belief, yaqīn, hope and longing in Allāh, save you- from drowning in them.
— Your Sister Umm Turāb al-Banghāliyyah. ❤️❤️
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