Wallahi there is good and bad in everything and everyone. If you look hard enough you can see that. You just need to search for it. And soon you will realise the beauty in everything around you. Always search for the good and ignore and step away f...
Life isnt all about pleasure. There are more things in life than trying to be happy and have fun. There is contentment and peace. There is feeling the breeze in a nice warm day. There is listening to powerful Quran. There is feeling the rush and excitment felt when trying something new. There is many emotions that we experience and dont fully try to feel them, let them soak in, and try to understand them.
We are here in the world to worship Allah. The purpose of our life is the worship our Creator in the many ways there are to worship Him (prayer, helping others, seeking knowledge, etc.).We are supposed to try our best to get close to Allah. Without Allah we feel we are lost and missing something really important in our life. We need him. We find peace and contentment through Him. So do not be distracted from this world. You are here for a reason. So smile knowing this. Allah chose you because He knew you have potential to be of the people of Jannah. He wants to see you in Jannah inshallah. So work hard and strive for Jannat al firdous by being the best muslim you can be by following his commands. This is a reminder to you as well as myself. May we all meet in jannah someday. Inshallah.
1. Did you then think that We created you in vain, and that you would not be returned to us? The Holy Quran 23:115
2. And I created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone). The Holy Quran 51:56
3. ...Who has created life and death so that He may try you which of you are best in deeds... The Holy Quran 67:2
4. And We have not created the heaven and earth and what is between them in vain. That is the opinion of those who disbelieve. And woe to such disbelievers, because of the Fire. Shall we treat those who believe and do good deeds as those who spread corruption on the earth? Or shall we treat the pious as sinners? The Holy Quran 38:27-8
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