The prophet sallahu alhi wa salam said to speak a good word or remain silent. We can see how important it is to do this. For example when we are angry we say cruel mean words that we later regret. But its better to speak something good or remain silent. There is nothing wrong with remaining silent. Silence is golden. It is better to stay silent because you have the upper hand when you do this. You are choosing your words carefully. You are cautious of the situation and don't want to make it worse by saying or reacting in a way that makes the situation worse. So speak a good word or remain silent. Imagine the reward for doing this!
I Am A Muslim: Islamic Reminders
SpiritualWallahi there is good and bad in everything and everyone. If you look hard enough you can see that. You just need to search for it. And soon you will realise the beauty in everything around you. Always search for the good and ignore and step away f...