Benifits of la hawala wala quwata illa billah

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Benefits of Reading La Hawla Wa La Quwwata illa BillAhil Aliyyil Azeem

The meaning of this phrase (there is no power andNo strength except with Allah) is a person's  Admission that he is unable to do anything Without the help and support of Allaah.

No matter  How great his power, energy and strength mayBecome, a person still cannot do anything withoutThe help of Allaah Who is Above all of HisCreation, the Most Great, compared to

Whom  Nothing else is great. Every strong person is weak When compared with Allaah. Every great person isInsignificant and weak when compared with His Might.

This sentence is uttered when some serious matter  Befalls a person that he cannot cope with, or thereIs something that it is very difficult for him to  Deal with.

The following may suggest the translation of the hadith( mafhoom ul hadith) :-Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Abaas RA narrates that  RasulAllah Sallallahualaihiwasallam said, whoever has Difficulty/stress in life should read laa howla walaQuwwata illa billa hil aliyyil azeem in abundance

.The following may suggest the translation of the hadith( mafhoom ul hadith) :-Abdullah Ibn Abaas RA Narrates that the prophet Sallallahualaihiwasallam said,Laa howla wala quwwata illa billa hil aliyyil azeem is from The treasures of jannah. (Bukhari & Muslim Sharif)

.The following may suggest the translation of the hadith( mafhoom ul hadith) :-

The prophet Sallallahualaihiwasallam said, laaHowla wala quwwata illa billa hil aliyyil azeem is a door  From one of the doors of paradise.Whoever reads laa howla wala quwwata illa billah, a Angel descends to Give good health/brings a cure for that Person. (Tirmidhi)


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