CHAPTER 2: "Am I cool enough to hang out with you?"

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CHAPTER 2: "Am I cool enough to hang out with you?"

It's been three months since that music festival. Yet still, I was fixating on it. Three fucking months had passed and I never stopped unconditionally obsessing about everything that took place during that 3-day rockin' and rollin' every single night. I swear, I never missed an evening of reminiscing.

I thought about the awesome bands that played, the huge fireworks display which brought me an extreme feeling of ecstasy, the contagious hype of the dancing people, how I managed to enjoy the fest alone and most of all.. The guy with the beautiful eyes. What was his name again?

Oh. Nash. Nash Grier.

If you're wondering what happened between the two of us after our first encounter, the answer would be nothing. Yeah, we talked. We exchanged full names, Twitter accounts, but never really got around to communicating. I was actually going to send him a DM on Twitter but when I scrolled down his profile the moment I followed him, I saw that he almost had 4 million followers and his account was fucking verified. Was he a goddamn celebrity then? And so I lurked for the heck of it.

Well basically, he got uber famous for making girls squeal. How impressive. Also, he had some bad rep for saying some things, but I was too lazy to actually dig deeper. Meh, we weren't even that close anyway.

Surprisingly, that didn't make me dislike him even one bit. Probably because of that sexy face he gave me when he said "Well, I like me some challenge." Damn. I think I just peed my pants a little.

I checked on my phone for the time and I noticed that it was about noon. I was still in my room laying around like a fat kitten that had fresh milkfish for dinner. Oh the perks of being a professional slacker.

"Hey, (YN)! Get over here!" My mom, the toughest and bravest woman I knew, the almighty bird who raised this juvenile since birth alone, yelled from downstairs. I quickly got up and ran towards the dining room where she was and joined her. She had made me some spaghetti and orange juice. Standard.

"Yes, Sandra?" I jokingly addressed which made her forehead furrow a bit.

"Listen", she started with a sigh. "I need to go on a business trip, babe."

"Really? That's cool, mom. I am bothered though as to why you're looking sad right now because I know how much you're a sucker for business trips." I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

"No, babe.." She replied, taking my left hand in hers. "I'm flying to New York and will be gone for a month." As she said those things, I already had oj in my mouth, and I almost spat all of the gulp out.

"WHAT?!?!" I blurted.

"Honey", she said in a voice just almost above a whisper with an extremely sad expression plastered on her face. "I need this promotion. This job is the only thing that's been keeping us breathing. You know that. And yes, I am able to provide for your needs but babe with this promotion I can give you everything you want!" She exclaimed, her sadness transitioning into a big smile in just a snap of a twig.

"Mom, I'm alright with how we are. I don't want anything else but just us two together, you know?" I told her and tears started to fall right then and there. How does she do that? I rarely cry. My mom was always the emotional wreck. Maybe I got my supernatural tears suppression powers from my insensitive father who bailed on us right on my born day. "But if this promotion will make you happy, then I should feel happy too."

Her eyes lit up, full of unspoken pride, and I knew that she was probably patting herself on the back for having me. Yup.

She got up and motioned me to do likewise then embraced me so tightly the moment she got the chance. "I love you, baby boo!" She breathed into my neck.

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