CHAPTER 1: "My name is Nash."

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CHAPTER 1: "My name is Nash."

Wow, I thought to myself. The fireworks were mad trippy even without the damned illegal substances. I wasn't the type who gets impressed by the sky being stained and all before, but that sure was such a joy in life. My friends were right about one thing; Music festivals are the shit!

I was all by myself and it was sadly the last day of the fest. Going to these kinds of things would always resemble smoking cigarettes then quitting cold turkey. So I was fucked. I just hope to the universe I survive the post depression.

My eyes were glued to the fireworks but I swear I can see someone staring at me through my peripheral view. It was making me feel uncomfortable and I knew I had to check. So, I looked over to see..


Him. A tall guy, probably 6ft or 6ft1, not really sure cos I was pretty drunk already, wearing a plain black tank top and some khaki shorts that went so well with his sky-blue classic era Vans, was staring right at me. I think I just lost myself in his stare. His bright blue eyes caused me to shift uncomfortably. Why? Why was his stare so darn powerful?

A couple of seconds later, he started to head to the direction where I stood as stiff as a tree. While he walked towards me, it was like everything went in an instant slow-mo mode; The people jumping up and down, the dancing spazz kids, the fireworks that painted the night sky and the last band playing...everything. They were all in slow motion.

I snapped back to reality when he was already standing right in front of me. I was looking up since he was probably a foot taller than I was. He let out a wide smile, which caused his mouth-parting to make a sticky sound. Yeah, despite the loud music I heard that "sticky sound". This should be interesting.

"H-hey?!" I blurted, semi-yelling.

He kind of leaned towards my ear and said "Hey, I'm sorry if I creeped you out! I was just--" he was cut off by this girl who accidentally hit him while on an all-out crazy dancing. He made this face where he look pained then groaned and mouthed an "ouch". I giggled a bit at his cuteness. "Yeah, I was just wondering why you're alone."

My left eyebrow seemed to voluntarily raise itself as he said that. "Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing, Mr.?" I asked, giving him a sign that he hasn't yet introduced himself.

"I'm sorry," he muttered, then leaned on my ear again "My name is Nash. Ha, sorry. I almost forgot. And no, I'm not alone. I'm here with my girlfriend." He smirked.

Wow. Really? You lead me on to assuming that we had a flirtationship cooking then tell me you have a girlfriend? What have hot guys been smoking? Cos it sure ain't good for their fucking ego's.

I rolled my eyes and moved away from him. "Oh, okay. I'm (YN) by the way", I mumbled. When I turned forward to look at the band, the bassist was already slamming his guitar on the stage. Each pieces of the broken guitar flew to the crowd, causing a semi-rampage. Damn. I should've gotten some so I could sell them on Ebay or something.

"I was kidding!" Oh, I didn't even realize that Nash was still there.

I pretended to not know what he was talking about. "Excuse me? Didn't catch that!" I yelled out since the noise just went ballistic now.

"I'm a loner, (YN), just like you!" He yelled back.

"How do you know that I'm alone?" I screamed. The vocalist decided to stage dive and the noise just doubled. Thank you, junkie.

"Well, I didn't see you with anyone! Never have I in the past few days of the fest", he stopped for a while, with this face which told me that he regret what he just said. Ha! So you've been creeping, huh. "And honestly? With a beauty like that? Guys would be so intimidated to ask you out, let alone talk to you!" He continued.

I chuckled and cheekily asked him, "Then may I know exactly why you're talking to me?"

He leaned hella nearer this time, making sure I felt his warm breath on my skin, and whispered in his beautiful fucking baritone, "Well... I like me some challenge."

And... With a single last wink from him, my temperature flew to the high heavens.

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