chapter 6

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Patrick's face says it all! I think we all feel that way when we see Louis's bum. His figure is way better than most girls including mine. And his ass is per-fect. 😍

And fyi, Right Now is a mood

And enjoy!

Previously on the best friend..

He looked around to observe the situation. Yet somehow the girls and Nick failed to see him. So he cleared his throat. The girls quickly turned to see our security guard standing there looking pissed and were instantly relieved. When Nick on the other hand saw paul, he visibly paled.


Paul walked over to Nick and placed one of his giant hands on Nick's shoulder. Which one was it? I don't know or care. Nick tried to punch Paul in the stomach and tear away from Paul's death grip on his shoulder. Paul was obviously muscular and very fit.

"Who does this guy think he is?" Paul asked to no one imparticular. "You all go wait in Louis's room. I'll come and get you when I'm done with this guy. Okay?"

Everyone nodded their heads yes and made their way to mine and Harry's room. Thank god it was big, otherwise we would not be able to fit all 18 of us in there.

Okay I actually counted all of them multiple times and there are exactly 18 'main' characters. I might be dumb, but I'm not stupid.

"Are you all okay? Is anybody hurt?" I asked the girls.

"I think we're all okay. He didn't touch anyone. Were just a little shaken up. That's all." She said putting down the little toddler.

"Not to ruin the mood or anything, but I still want to have the party. And I know I'm not the only one who does. Right?" Niall asked hopeful.

"Alright, so everyone wants to have the party tonight?" Liam asked.

They all nodded in agreement. "I guess we'll have the party tonight." I smiled a little as almost every last face in the room lit up with excitement.

A few minutes later, Paul came back and told us that Nick was gone, and a bit sore. We all thanked Paul, and began to walk out of the room to the stairs. When we all made it downstairs, a range of gasps were herd throughout the room. "Paul..." I yelled to grab his attention.

"Louis?" He chuckled with a grin on his face. He looked somewhat proud of himself.

"Did you do this? Safaa spoke up.

"Maybe I did, and maybe I didn't."

"You did!" Niall squealed.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Either way, I'm going to bed now." He stated. "Good night." He said in a sing-song voice.

The living room was covered in party decorations. Ones we bought, and ones we didn't know we had. There were balloons filled with what looked like glitter and confetti. There were speakers and strobe lights in the corner waiting to be used.

"Are you ready to get lit?" Harry asked.

"What?" Gemma made a face at Harry's comment.

"It's something I read on the internet."

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