chapter 3

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And enjoy

Previously on the best friend...

"We don't know! Help him!" Phoebe paniced. Shit was going down.

Present time...

Two weeks later...

Everything was back to normal. The house was full again and we were all eating dinner that me and Harry made. It was spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad. It was quite delicious considering I had to boil the noodles and make the salad. No burnt or under cooked ones so that's good.

About two hours after dinner was over, Georgia came upstairs to my room where Harry and I were watching tv and getting ready for bed. "It's a picture of you guys. Well, if you were animated." She shoved the paper in my face.

" She shoved the paper in my face

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"Oh... Thanks Georgia." I said showing the picture to harry. In which received an 'oh' as well as blushing from the two of us.

"Thanks I guess. Hey Georgia," Harry started. "Can you please do one of Niall and Liam in love to get back at them for us?"

"What'll I get out of this?" She asked crossing her arms and cocking her head to the side.

"How about  £20?"

"Deal. I'll be back in a few minutes." About thirty minutes later with a picture in her hand.

"How's this?" She asked holding up the drawing.

"I like it, but who's niam?" Harry asked honestly

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"I like it, but who's niam?" Harry asked honestly.

"Niall, and Liam are Niam how do you not know that? It's literally right there." Gemma came out of nowhere and said scaring me half to death.

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