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Clarke's POV:

"She'll do it y'know." Bellamy states confidently as we drive the rover through the old streets of what was once Polis.

" How are we creating this distraction?" I ask, ignoring his previous remark.

" I don't know, as long as we lead them far enough to give Madi time to get in with O."

" Bellamy, they'll notice a teenager just walking in with the prisoners."

" She'll think of something. Especially, if you've taught her everything else and she seems to be smart enough."

" Yeah but she's never done anything-"

" Stop worrying. We're her chance of getting in alive; it's me and you here, we got this." He smirks from the wheel as I do myself.

What is he planning? I ask myself with a curious frown.

We drive a little longer before he stops the rover, making sure it's well hidden behind one of the deceased buildings.

" Wait here." Bellamy says quietly; I frown as he steps out the rover and onto the dried out road.

We're at the edge of the city, not far from the ship. As if checking for somebody to pass through, he walks ahead and onto the main road which will take us straight to the bunker, if we headed that way. Huffing, in frustration, I have to beat the urge to jump out of the rover to go alongside him but as quick as he went, Bellamy comes jogging back to the rover and walks around my side of the door. In a single swift motion, he opens the river door for me and I have to hide a smirk tugging at the corners of my mouth.

" Thanks." I say softly as I hop onto the road beside him.

We start walking through the abandoned streets of Polis together, the only sound of the Eligius ship's hum in a few miles away: at least we know we're close.

" We're not going to where the ship is." Bellamy states and I look to him to continue.

" What do you mean? What are we doing?" I ask him curiously, looking with curiosity.

" We're gonna blow up one of the buildings they have for watch." Bellamy states proudly," They've been here a day or so now trying to rebuild stability in some towers so they can watch from them, when the others come I guess. "

As we turn around a few corners I eventually start to hear the murmur of voices echoing through the streets, they're quite and soft but definitely there. Instantly, I stop Bellamy since we have no idea where they're coming from; he surprises me again.

" A watch tower?" I ask him confused

" Yeah, they want to see as much as possible, they told us they want to start ' remaking' their old home. Something about skyscrapers and monuments.." He tells me

"Like the Pictures we used to see on the ark."

" The only pictures I saw were the-" he stops mid sentence when we hear voices more clearly-" They're over there." He points ahead of us.

There's still have a building there, it was nearly as tall as the Polis tower once was. It's even probably still got floors; but probably not completely safe. But there's poles around the tower, from here they look like metal- it'd be easy to climb up them.

" The poles are to help them build." Bellamy whispers at my side

" I knew that." I lie," How many men here? A 100?"

" More like a thousand working on this Clarke. Whatever they're planning, they want to get it done fast. I don't know what they're using but it's a sort of thick liquid. A grayish coloring to connect the bricks together, it's different to what the grounders used."

" Can we get closer without them-" then it clicks, like a switch in my brain," We want them to see us don't we."

" Exactly. If they're focused on search for us through Polis, they'll probably forget about high security on the Bunker door."

" How do we know when they've opened it?"

" Raven or Monte's gonna radio us."

" So we've got to sit and wait?" I ask a little irritated

"Well I mean we could just stare at the rocks or something?" He smirks

" Maybe even have that drink you promised me on the first day on the ground?" I reply with a smile as by his reaction, I think he remembers the old memory well.

Monte's POV:

Once Clarke and Bellamy left, Madi and I had to, too. The whole plan rests on a 14year  old girl getting in with the prisoners. We've had to take the longer way, since it's safer and there's a less chance of getting spotted.

Walking around fallen buildings, we eventually see the ship in our sights. We're crouched behind an old building, so we can see everything but for Madi to get in she needs to get closer. But for now, we just watch the prisoners. They're all gathered just outside the bunkers door, talking about something; there's only around 15 of them. Why?

" There isnt many of them." Madi whispers from beside me

" I know, I don't know why though. If they want to get Octavia and the others there needs to be more." I state

" Better for me, i- Look over there." Madi says quickly.

She points to the bunker door and too its left there's a ditch, large enough for her to fit in. All she would need to do is get out fast enough for her to get in with them.

" We don't know how deep it is." I tell her

" It's the best chance we'v had yet."

" Madi.."

" Look I'm doing it. Are you going to help me or not." She's definitely Clarkes.

" Your just like her." I whisper and smile

" Thank you." She replies gratefully," Now let's go, tell the others to start moving in a second."

" Remember you've got your ear piece."

" I know."

" -and you've gotta time it perfectly."

" I know." She almost laughs," I'll be okay."

" Make your way around now, I'll tell Raven."

Sorry for the wait guys, I've just been getting a tone of hw and that

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