Friendship Quotes

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Friendship Quotes

"Each one of us is an angel with one wing. The only way we can fly is to hold on to each other and share wings. So if you have trouble flying, let me know I'll share mine with you"

"I was never tired of this life and it ain't gonna matter if I fall down once, twice or even thrice 'cause I know each time I fall, you won't let me reach the ground:) "

"Friends are the reason why at the saddest point of my life...I smile; why at my confusion... understand; why even in betrayal... I trust; why even in pain... I love. Thanks for the friendship."

"FRIENDSHIP is a collection of hearts ready to give, share and understand. It never fades and never ends, it only reminds us life is not complete without you my friend"

"Never walk away from true people...when you see some fault, be patient and realize that nobody is perfect...I am not perfect but I can be real."

"Sometimes I feel bad, and even feel sad. But when I realize I have a friend no matter what it takes, it gives me courage to go on and to take the challenge."

"There are certain people who touch your heart and you can't stop thinking about them...that's the kind of person you are to us, far yet so near,simple yet worth caring for"

"I'm like a shadow because I'm a friend who is always there by your side. But there's something that differs me from a shadow...I'll still be there even if the light is gone"

"In this world  where everything seem UNCERTAIN, only one thing is DEFINE. You'll always be my FRIEND beyond WORDS beyond TIME and beyond DISTANCE."

"May our friendship turn into silver, from silver into gold, from gold to diamonds, and may our diamonds be FOREVER...

Tapos benta natin.." XD

"I sat beside you and whispered 'hey.' 'yeah?' you replied. I said  'nothing...' I then took your hand and gave it a short squeeze, 'Just want you to know I'm here"

"I'll be your friend forever that starts now... and I plan to keep it no matter how, if someday our friendship should fade, I'll look back and remember the promise I made" :)

"Close your eyes and make a wish, angels will be there to blow you a kiss. They guide your way and make your dreams come true, like what they did to me when I asked for you."

"Friendship is the sweetest form of when I say "I'll be your friend 'till the end" it's as good as saying  I'll keep you in my heart 'till it's very last beat."

"Each kind word we receive is like a seed planted in our hearts which when properly nurtured, grows and blooms into a beautiful garden we call FRIENDSHIP."

"To hear what is UNSPOKEN.

To see what is UNSEEN.

To feel without even TOUCHING...

Is the miracle called FRIENDSHIP."

"A TRUE FRIEND is someone who thinks you are a GOOD EGG even though he knows that you are SILENTLY CRACKED."

"I never regret the amout of friendship I have given you. I don't even remember how much it is. The only thing I know is that YOUR MY FRIEND. no DOUBTS! no LIMITS!  no RESERVATION and definitely no END."

"If you need a shoulder to cry on, I will be there, but still I don't want to see you cry 'cause every drop of your tears is another wound in my heart."

"If you ever need a hand....I"M HERE :) "

"FRIENDSHIP doesn't require similarities but rather differences and help each other grow. It's not how you influence one anorher but how you bring out their best to keep each other forever."

"We may go separate ways, live different lives, we might have different interest, do different things, believe is different aspects but for us long as we believe we're friends...we'll forever be."

"What makes a FRIENDSHIP special is the way each one remembers the other when they are apart. They miss the talks, the laughs and the times they were together. Life changes, memories don't."


Thanks for reading :)))

Next po ay Tagalog quotes naman ^___^

Request daw eh XD


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