Sad Quotes 1

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1. She walks down the aisle, my eyes are with tears.

I know this is the moment she’s been waiting for all

these years. I watch from afar, this thing I can’t hide.

The pain of being a bridesmaid when I was supposed to

be the bride.

2. My heart skipped a beat when I saw you again.

The man of my dreams, that’s what you are now and

then. I was just about to tell the girl beside me that

you’re my life when suddenly, she told me, “I’m his


3. “I love you” doesn’t really mean that I want you to

be mine. In fact, it’s another way of saying, “I’m happy

to see you happy with someone new even if it’s killing

me.” So I guess I love you.

4. I always knew looking back on the tears would

make me laugh. But I never knew looking back on the

laughs would make me cry.

5. Before, I asked God to give me someone special to

love. I found you then lost you. I asked God why and He

answered, “But my child, the one you asked for asked

for somebody else.”

6. Maybe the gods were sleeping when I asked for

you. Maybe the angels were somewhere else when I

wished for you. Cause if they only heard me praying and

wishing so hard, she wouldn’t have you, I would.

7. It’s so easy to play with love, so easy to fool

someone, so easy to make someone cry. But it’s so hard

if you’re the one who’s played with, fooled and the one

who cried.

8. It’s hard not to love you, it’s hard not to care and

it’s hard to live without you. But I have to try cause it’s

harder to bear the pain of knowing you don’t feel the


9. I’ve come to realize that destiny can hurt a person

as much as it can bless then I found myself wondering

why of all the people in the world I can fall in love with,

I fell for someone who can never be mine.

10. Sometimes it’s hard to say no when you really

mean yes, it’s hard to close your eyes when you really

want to see, it’s hard to forget when you really can’t

and the hardest is to go when you really want to stay.

11. Once in my life, I met someone whom I loved and

cared for. I gave everything, I fought for him. But one

thing I forgot to do is to ask if he wanted me to.

12. It hurts to say goodbye to a person you love

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