The ghost caravan

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They waited for a taxi for a while. Charlotte saw in the horizon, on what it seems like a caravan in a fast pace. For once, she thought she was just having hallucinations,but as she looked closer, she saw, what looks like a moving city. "Can you see this?" She asked. They answered back. "Are you going to investigate that too? Your too experienced too much of this things. You need a 72-hour sleep." 


"Whoa, whoa, Chill down Charlotte. We still need rest from the trouble a few days ago. Come, our taxi is waiting." Said Charlie. They later arrived at a hotel and checked in. That night, however, was uneventful.

11:26 P.M.

"Charlie, I'll just pee."

"Yeah, go."

CRASH! The three woke up in a start.

"Robert! Is that you?"

"WAIT! Who are you!"


The three siblings rushed to the door and saw a man who is bleeding. 


"Let us help you up." said Charlie and Charlotte in chorus.

"Someone shot a gun here." Ruth said, showing a bullet. Ruth and Charlotte examined the bullet while Charlie tended the man's wounds. Suddenly, Ruth remembered. "Wait, where's Robert?" "He... taken." the man said weakly. "Speak man! What is it?"

"Your... companion... taken... by twent... men." He then faints.

Charlie rushed down to the front desk of the hotel where a man stood guard. "Tell me, did twenty men came here?" The man said he saw no one. 

"Charlie! The lights!" shrieked Charlotte.

Once again he rushed back to their room and saw the said lights. "So you're right, there were moving lights."

The next morning, the man regained consciousness  and said the lights haunt the island since a caravan of British settlers ever came to the island and was slaughtered by the native population. And due to their desecration of the Inuits' Sacred Temple, the high priest of the island curse their souls to wander the Island for Eternity. A few years later, a much successful group of settlers came and reports of sightings of what seems a ghostly caravan wanders in a not-so known road which they was that they were slaughtered. Often are the sightings near Cape Jamestown, Snowtown, New Ottawa, and Port Glasgow route.

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