Chapter 2

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I told her that they are BTS thinking she'd stop arguing but that somehow pissed her even more. I'm dumbfounded on her reply,she asked what should I respond for a question like that?My friend was wronged it's only natural that she's demanding an apology..otherside they're BTS for heaven sake, the kpop group which turned pop industry upside down through billboard they already became international artists, and my favourites ever since they debuted..I'm going nuts,,Namjoon already knows that I recognised him but what should I do now support my fav band or support my friend..well I know it's only right to stay on my friend's side. For a moment I don't wanna see them as BTS..I closed my eyes and said to myself "this is probably the last time u'd get to see them anyway..not like they'd become your friends just by taking their side they won't even remember yo face after today..why should u support them over yo friends..c'mon Diya u need to make things right by yo friend" okay they're no more BTS to me..
Namjoonshi!!! (Yeah I called him with his name cuz it's of no use to pretend like I don't know as he might have heard me saying BTS anyway) we don't want u to apologise behalf of a person who actually did wrong..just ask him to apologise and we can go our ways as we all have somewhere else to be I said
My friends froze for a second and couldn't take their eyes off of me cuz they know how crazy I'm for them but that's not the point here of the most important persons in my life vs anyone, would be that important person right!!
Namjoon: Ma'm we're sorry he's new he doesn't know how to behave around crowd yet..he dealt with some violent fans so far that made him act before please accept my apologies and calm down he said and later bowed.

Waaahh he bowed but why is he apologising I feel more angry that other guy is just staring at the whole thing not taking a tiny bit of responsibility

See Namjoonshi we don't know why we have to hear your guard being new or old at his job cuz that's something we care the least..we've nothing to talk to u..let that dude apologise so we can leave.. let's not make a scene in public

Namjoon: I understand m'am but he's my guard if he did something wrong I'm responsible for his actions so I really hope u can calm down and accept my apologies ***bowed again***

I can't take it anymore seeing him bow to us twice is kinda crushing my heart

Fine I said with an unconvinced face and right on time Ria stepped up "your apology is time onwards let yo guard be careful around crowd.. if he's acting this way with us how would he treat yo fans! Do u think they'd still be ARMY(Adorable Representative M.C for Youth-their fans are addressed like that) after being treated this way?Although I consider this never happened or happens(in future)..Just be careful and thankyou for apologising" she said.

My heartbeat is back to normal..I never saw her calming down that easily..Is she the Ria I know but deep down I know she did that for me..we smiled at each other as a sign of thankyou..
I and Namjoon bowed and smiled to each other and went our ways..I know I should've said something but it didn't feel right to say anything..

My friends already got all our luggage and we left the airport while we're on our way to motel Ria said "I know why u took my side and I love u for that but u didn't have to argue for me..must have been really hard" I denied saying "how can it be hard when it's u who's at wrong" in a teasing way..she slapped my wrist and that's the end of BTS conversation or atleast that's what I thought it is..
So we finally reached our motel. We girls (Me,Ria,Meera and Aasha)are roommates and the rest all boys are in next room..everyone are hungry but we're waiting for the others to freshup..We(Me and Ria) are doing one more live to show off the pool side from our room's patio while we're showing off everyone came asking us to continue our drama after having some food and we agree too we decided to go to a restaurant called La Petite Cuisine, we didn't had much debate in selecting. We all just went for the nearest one possible searching in google maps. It also seemed like a walkable distance too..So we went inside,the ambience isn't that great like other dining places but definitely not's cozy and kept clean that was the first impression I had..who cares anyway we're damn hungry so settled in our chairs and ordered whatever waiter suggested to be best..I'm vegetarian so I just went for nasi goreg noodles and mentioned not to put meat just friends were smirking for my over reactions so we wait for our food and we look around from where we we are sitting in the middle, we kinda get the whole view of the place. There are paintings everywhere and they're so pretty..this place is really something it has it's unique charm..say my first ever restaurant in Singapore talking or the traveller mind's definitely not a huge fancy diner types may be that's why I like it, I don't prefer fancy..we kept looking around and kept talking some random stuff..a hand tapped on my shoulder with a voice "sillyehabnida" (excuse me in Korean) I looked right away it was Jungkook, the one I adore the most, the cutest maknae and my ultimate bias.. I pinched myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. Yes that hurts so it's not a dream I said to myself and stood up "Annyeonghaseyo jal ji naessseubnida?!" He asked.. Hello how are you in Korean..I replied I'm fine thankyou and didn't say a word after that but kept staring with a rosiness..I think I can hear my heartbeat.. I feel nauseous all of a sudden and sweating as if I'm about to have an attack..
Jungkook: "Gwaenchanhseubnikka?!"(Are you alright)
My head is spinning I feel like the whole world is rotating super fast and my vision is blurring..
P.S. None of the characters are reflections of any real life people..every character is my fiction excluding BTS members..No damage is done to any character if u feel so please don't take it personally..Thanks again

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