Chapter 9

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He suddenly broke the kiss and let go of me..He asked "What if Jungkook's feelings for u are genuine? What u'll do if he proposes to u?!"
Me: That won't happen..chill I know he doesn't..
Tae: How r u sure?!
That's true I don't know..what if that really happens?! Will their relationship will be ruined and will that be my mistake?! What should I do?!
Me: Yea! I'm not sure of anything..but my gutt says that's not gonna happen.
Tae: Your expressions says otherwise..
Me: Why do u have to ask me that?! Can't we have our moment like for 2 secs?!! And turned my back at him..
I'm actually confused and I don't know what will be the right thing to do..I know I love Tae that doesn't mean I can let Jungkook get hurt..If Jungkook is hurt, my heart sure will be crushed..I'm pissed at myself for getting this close to BTS..I don't know what my mind thinks anymore..I'm going nuts and I just let that out on Tae..I know I shouldn't have but I did..
Tae grabbed my hand stopping me from leaving..
"Sorry Tae I shouldn't have come into yo life..sorry for everything Tae.." I said.
Tae: What are you talking?! U don't have to say it like that when u don't mean. I only asked cuz Jungkook is morethan my dongsaeng(lil sibling) he's my family and I can't see him hurt and can't be happy with you..also can't live without you. That's what I mean.
"Tae I'm sorry I don't have any words to console u..Can u please let go of me so I can leave! I'm really sorry but suddenly every bone in my body is saying to leave" I said.
I didn't turn back to him even when he grabbed my hand and not now either as soon as he let go off me I went straight..I know I shouldn't have but my eyes don't quite listen to me..I don't want him to see me crying and I don't want him to blame himself for it so I kept walking..
I saw a piece of paper being stuck on some door which said "Wanna know who I'm, get in to find out-XO".
I don't know what nonsense is this..this person doesn't have timing at all..I'm already miserable enough, why now?! I don't wanna think about Tae or Jungkook for a second so kept my focus on this XO person instead so I walked in.
"Hello is somebody there?! Can u hear me?! I came as u wanted so reveal yourself u freak!" I screamed.
It's all silence. There was absolutely no response..everything is dark in hear..I waited for a minute trying to look around but can't see a thing..I screamed again with a little louder voice saying "I know you are a coward who can freakout wearing masks, know u can't just reveal yourself, I'm leaving, u freak".
Like I said I turned back as I still can't hear a response..trying to open the door, the door is closed from outside..I shouldn't have come here, I regret it..I wasn't being brave, I was just stupid..suddenly some noise appeared, turned to it frightening in fear..I see flames OMG this is a boiler room. I really shouldn't have come inside..I saw a note from flames light which was stuck on one of the said "Steamy with Jungkook, Steamy with Tae so get STEAMY with me bitch-XO".
Great what did I even expect! I can't open the door and there is noway I can leave this damn room so I'm stuck here for tonight.. If only I can make it to tomorrow..I'm freaking out..the more time passes the more frightened I become..It's dark and silent here and there are flames everywhere, feels like hell in here..nobody could find me, I don't even have my mobile to contact..I'm gonna die here for sure I thought..I decided to keep knocking the door, half an hour passed, my hands are hurting after continuous knocking but yet I didn't stop..just when I thought of giving up, I hear someone. It's Arjun and everyone are there too..I hugged him and hid my face on his chest, in few seconds I fainted..
I didn't faint for long, as I woke up everyone is at room staring..
Riya: U woke up?! Are u okay now?!
All sorta hugged me like I could barely breath..First Tae hugged and asked "How can u leave like that, do u know how worried I was?!"
Me: Yes, Sorry.
Arjun: U did know something like this is gonna happen right! U were hiding something from me the day we came on cruise..
Me: Yeahh.. I didn't want to freak u out. I have been getting signed strange texts and notes by XO.. At first I thought it's nothing..
Arjun: Don't bother explaining, we know everything..Tae and us saw your phone and we spoke with the surveillance guards..we went to see where u were missing but we learned something interesting instead..
Everyone are angry, Tae looked like he cried..
I've no good reason to give them..they don't wanna hear my concern, is it that hard to believe that I don't wanna freak them out..I can't give the answers they want so I just shut my mouth..I'm kinda relieved for a fact now everyone knows..I might be in less danger now..
Riya: I can't believe u didn't even temme..Do u know how freaked out we're when u went missing? *in almost crying voice*
I'm sorry Riya, sorry everyone that's all I have to say..I really didn't wanna freak u out and I didn't know that person is capable of locking me up in a freaking boiler room..I think I miss judged him/her..
"We get it how scared u must be that's more of a reason u should've shared with us Diya" Aditya said.
I just kept my head down without talking anything..
"Now we know and we can protect her from any stop bashing her..she's in shock herself, let her rest for a while and let's ask further questions tomorrow" Arjun said.
Without saying a word I just turned the other side and slept..didn't took much time for me to fall asleep..
I woke up and everybody are there again..I wonder if they slept..I asked "What are you all doing here?! Have u slept at all?"
Jungkook: Ofcourse seeing u sleep we left..Just now we all got back to check up on u.
Me: What do u mean check up on me?! I'm very much fine..
Tae: We found Temazepam samples in your blood..
Me: What does that mean?!
Arjun: We thought u only fainted bcuz of shock but Tae insisted on getting a blood checkup and the result says u are drugged..
Me: Can someone please speak English here?! What am I drugged dangerous is it?!
Riya: It's not dangerous, only minor samples are found in yo blood that drug is usually used for insomnia patients..
Me: What?! insomnia?! But I don't exactly sleep like someone who took sleeping pills though..
Namjoon: No Diya it's only minor samples we found, so minor which caused u faint now and then..
Me: What?!! Do u mean I'm fainting because of a drug?! But how did someone drugged me?!
Aditya: We think someone injected you..
Me: How can I not know?!
Arjun: It could've been injected in your food too..we're not sure..
I have no idea what I should think now..everything happening to me seems like I'm in a movie but it's beyond frightening than a movie..
"I'm hungry now. Can I have food?! Or the food needs to be tested first?!" I said.
Jungkook: How can u joke something like that?!
Me: What do u want me to do cry out loud?! Will that change any of the facts we just discussed?! No right! Atleast u all know now so I'm sure I'll be safe now.
Arjun: She's right too. How much ever scary this person is, can't hurt her when our eyes are on her all the time.
Riya: More scariest thing is why her?! She's never done anything to anyone so why her?!!
Me: U guys c'on I'm so out of that topic, I need a break..I'll freshup and come we'll go have some food *left*
Arjun: Stop talking yo mind infront of her.
Riya: Fine..
We went to have breakfast, me and Jungkook finished first so I asked him to see me privately. I told everyone I need to speak with Jungkook cuz they didn't lemme go alone..
Tae looked anxious and worried..
Me: Jungkook! Do u like me?!
Jungkook: Ofcourse I like u alot
Me: No I mean do u have feelings for me?!
Jungkook: What?! Is this what u want to ask?!
Me: Stop laughing and questioning but just answer
Jungkook: Aigo Diyassi no I don't have feelings for u..I like to tease you so I was just fooling around. I'm sorry if I made u missunderstand..But aren't u going out with Taehyung?!
Me: How did u know that?!
Jungkook: Was it a secret? Then he shouldn't have been so obvious..hahaha..I have eyes Diyassi u think I didn't see how upset Taehyung gets, when I was teasing u..his expressions change instantly..that didn't make me sure though I only thought he likes u..but yesterday before u went missing..he told u were with him and he freaked out like he lost some part in his body..that's when I was so sure.
Me: Smart from today onwards your not gonna come anywhere near me to tease Tae..if u did, I'll just assume yo ready to die in my hands.
Jungkook: Will see Diyassi..
Me: Whatever, remember I warned u. Now let's go back..
We went to them and Tae is still anxious..So I texted him saying " Nothing to worry about. I love you.❤️"
Tae instantly blushed seeing the text..he replied saying "Love u more❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️"
I started blushing and people started noticing so I hid my phone..
Riya: What is it?!
Me: Nothing, a forward.
Riya: Okay. If u say so..
Everyone had food and we left to our rooms..
Riya started questioning why I blushed so I had no other option than telling her about Tae..
Riya with total shock said "What u kissed who?! Have u gone nuts?! U crazy??"
Me: Why are u that shocked..why is that u looked upset too..
Riya: Well, I thought it'd be Jungkook so..but are u sure it's Taehyung not Jungkook?!
Me: What does that even mean??Are you sure huh?!
Riya: Yeahh I mean you and Jungkook looks cute together..I don't know about Taehyung at all..he is serious all the times..
Me: Who's serious?! Huh I almost choked my water!! That was hilarious, he's so not serious hun
Riya: Serious or not..I haven't seen him interact with you at all.How are you in love with him?! One last time I ask you this are you sure it's not Jungkook?!
Me: Will u stop it or should I have to slap u instead? *screaming*
I added not to say that again, if Tae hears it he'd really be upset..Do u have any idea how much I love him??
Riya: No please enlighten me..
Me: Ain't joking Riya..I love him alot.. I can stare at him whole day..
Tae came out of bloom and said "no I'm so not upset and will never be"
These two planned this all..aishhh everyone knows I love Tae now..all were eavesdropping on this whole thing from outside the room..They came in and started teasing me..I was so embarrassed to face them..
Tae gave a peck on my (his side facing) forehead well almost my eyebrow..immediately Jungkook came to me and gave a peck on my cheeks..
Taehyung chasing after him "u come here yo dead today Jungkookah"..Jungkook laughing and running..
Everything seemed so happy and magical..I was worried if something might happen but again I thought not to jinx it..
Like I predicted some text came..
Which said " Someone must pay for your loose lips may be it's time for Tae now. If u don't wanna see Tae get hurt come to the same boiler room or kiss goodbye to your love-XO".
I didn't even change my expression..I know what I should do..I pretended like nothing happened..I didn't wanna ruin the mood or didn't wanna see Tae get hurt..I know I can tell everyone and they'll protect me but Tae can be at risk..that person may effect his reputation somehow I kept my mouth shut and sneaked out quitely to the boiler room..
I woke up..I was tied to a chair, it's dark in here..I don't know where I'm or what happened..Am I kidnapped?!
P.S. None of the characters are reflections of any real life people..every character is my fiction excluding BTS members..No damage is done to any character if u feel so please don't take it personally..Thanks again

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