Chapter 3

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I'm in a ball room dancing with Jungkook. Yes Jeon Jungkook the golden maknae of BTS..and yes yes dancing with him..don't worry I might not be a match to him but I can dance too. One of his hands is on my waist and the other one is holding my hand,he's so close to me that I can hear his breath..I can't even look at him though. He is wearing tucks and me wearing a pretty dress all dolled up..I feel like a disney princess..this doesn't seem real..wait last thing I remember Jungkook came to me, was it to ask me on a date for this party?! Why don't I remember a thing about our conversation or what happened after that!! Wait I feel like someone spraying water on my face but it's all dry. Why do I feel weird??! Well, may be it's natural as I'm Jungkook's date now and I danced with him..I didn't even dreamt this..blahh..blahhh.. "Diya up wake up.. whuu... hshdjndkdoejdbd...Are you alrijdhjdhdbsbsjsjddbjj" what the hell was that..Am I hearing things now and why is it so noisy?! Some virtual wiring issues lol..I'm messing with myself as I've gone nuts for real.."Diya are u okay?!".."Can u hear me?!!".."Gwaenchanhseyo? Nae mogsoli deulliseyo?" Why am I hearing super loud voices those voices seem like my friends and Jungkook..I opened my eyes everyone staring at me with concern.. I stood right up in a hurry and said I'm alright..
I'm so embarrassed for the fact I got panic attack cuz Jungkook approached me..what the hell should I tell him..He asked if it is okay to talk to him privately. I nodded hesitantly..He seemed like he was about to apologise for my fainting..Before he could say a word "I have low blood pressure that's why I fainted it kinda happens all the time for me" I said. Shit why did I say low blood pressure will he buy did seem reasonable, not like he'd ask my medical reports as proof anyway..I convinced myself I did right thing and I'm all proud even if it's such a lame idea to say that..

Jungkook: It's okay.. U don't have to lie about it.. I know I shouldn't have come to you all of a sudden that would've been alarming..I'm really sorry I won't do that again..

Me: Why do u say I'm lying?! I do have blood pressure Jungkookshi
Wait did he just say he won't do that there will be again too..does this mean I see him often..let's not jump to my own conclusions he might have meant to say he won't do that to anyone like that not like he meets u often..that makes sense even in my head😜

Jungkook: Your face got red when I was trying to talk to u like u gonna explode..and yo hands are sorta pinkish that means it's obvious me coming to u all of a sudden freaked u out..

Me: "Right! There's some truth to it"
My voice started shaking.. won't this boy shut his inner's already awkward enough why does he has to point out me turning red on my face..wait did he say my hands were pinkish?! How did he even know that..

Jungkook: Don't think too hard I was slapping yo hands earlier trying to wake u up.. everyone were shouting and sprinkling water on yo face which wasn't working so.. oh and please don't think any weird things I was only trying to wake u up through sense of pain. I heard that's how doctors wake up their patience from anaesthesia..

Wahh this one just knows everything..right I forgot he's Jungkook, there's nothing he's not good at or nothing he doesn't know haha
"Oh that's fine wasn't thinking anything weird. So why did u came to me? What did u wanna talk privately?!" I asked. Wasn't hoping for a date partner like my dream has shown but really curious..

Jungkook: Finally u asked and he half smiled. Well, last time at airport, it was actually my fault.. Namjoon hyung told not to come front so I stood behind and kept quite but it later bothered me so much. I was bothered that I couldn't meet u to apologise. How can I even meet, I don't even know anything about u..

Me: What do u mean it's your fault?! It was that guard's fault..

Jungkook: No, please lemme finish.. I was in hurry cuz Tae hyung is sick so I asked the guard to clear the crowd. Although I didn't exactly told him to push anyone it is my fault. I'm really so sorry.

Me: I know ul argue if I say it's not yo fault. So let it be. Consider yo apology is accepted.

Jungkook: Lemme apologise to your friend too..

Before he could go I stopped him..I held his hand..Aish I'm such a fool why do I have to hold his hand?! I can tell with my mouth too..What will he think about me now?!! May be he thinks she always wanted to do touch me and she did uhh such a desperate one..Whoa whoa he shouldn't think like that I instantly let go of his hand cuz of my stupid inside voices..
Me: Miahn(Sorry) can't say another word..the awkwardness is killing me..
Jungkook: Aniyo gwenchanayo(It's okay). I would never mind a beautiful lady holding my hand..He added.
Me: Whuuuttttt!!! (I can never hide my expression whatever it is) I told it's fine, u don't have to tell my friend. She forgave already so no need to bring up again I said.
Jungkook: But she doesn't know who's fault it is that means she didn't exactly forgive me.
Me: I'll convey your message anyway she doesn't understand hangul and she forgave the situation cuz of Namjoon's sorry so u don't have to apologise me I know her it's fine.
They really are angels..he kept insisting to apologise to her also..Tae was sick so he rushed what does he has to apologise for!!
Jungkook: Okay! If u say so..Can I ask u what's your name?!
Me: Oh sure I'm sorry should've introduced long back.. I'm diya
Jungkook: Oh diya nice name noona.. I can call u noona (that's the way korean's boys address even a month older girl-shouldn't have to be sis) right!
Me: Umm.. sure if u want to..
I don't know why I'm not that comfortable with it..may be cuz it's first ever time someone calling me "noona"..
Jungkook: Noona come lemme introduce to hyungdul..
Me: Sure
Jungkook introduced me to everyone except for Tae he's not there..he must have not been recovered..I'm worried about him..
He suddenly said don't worry about tae hyung noona..he's recovering,his fever got down..only a little cold, he'll be fine soon..
I wondered if that was showing on my face..Everyone were super cool with me..they didn't give me celeb like feels but made me so comfortable around..we decided to have our meal together joining 3-4 friends loved them too..who wouldn't they're such happy souls..
We spoke some random stuff while having our food..Jungkook was sitting opposite to me he didn't speak much.. well, not much at all..he can't talk while eating like it's new for me..haha..mostly Namjoon spoke cuz none of my friends knows hangul..
Jimin suddenly asked are u our fan noona?!!
I'm dumbfounded for a back to my senses I said yes ever since wings album..
Jimin: Wae noona(Why) didn't u like our before albums..
Me: No it's not like that I don't know u before..I was only into EXO and other kpop groups back then.
Jin: Out of bloom who among is your bias?!
Me: Jungkook
Jungkook started blushing like he already knows..
Well, I did make it obvious my fainting..
Jin: Our maknae..nice but who do u think is most handsome in this group
I'm not even surprised he sure expecting his name..wait should I actually say it's him..then will Jungkook feel offended like I only love him for his talent but he's not that handsome way..if I don't tell his name will that be insult?!! Ahh what should I say..
Namjoon: No pressure just say what u feel..don't let Jin hyung bother u..he's always like that..he wouldn't mind if u don't say his name.
Me: I think the most handsome one among u is Tae..but they won't keep Jin as visuals for nothing right..he's handsome too his broad shoulders and his smile are his plus..
Jin looked satisfied..
I added..u all are handsome, everyone has your own charm that's why I won't just look at my bias..
Jimin: Ohh noona never disappoints anyone..*smiling*..So u think Tae is most handsome huh..Tae should've been here, he would've loved to hear..
Then they asked my friends whose handsome among them..they all chose Jungkook cuz duh they knows I like him the most so without even thinking much they went straight to our kookie..
They knew that we're having food and random talks were happening too..
Jungkook finished first..he asked what we're doing here and for how long we'll be here..we answered..Jungkook: surprised farewell party?!!! Where is noona going?!
Me: I said Shangai, China due to work..
Jungkook: Why China noona come to Korea so we can catch up often..
Me: Haha..sure I said
Everyone knows I didn't mean it..we finished our food..and about to leave..they asked where we're staying..turns out same place..that's how we ended up in this restaurant too..they came to the nearest one possible..
So we walked together..and went our ways after deciding to meet the next day..
It was really such a beautiful day..I won't forget this day ever..I had dinner with BTS..My thoughts were clumsy too everyone went straight to the bed as they're tired..I'm tired too but couldn't sleep ofcourse..I'm standing on balcony decided to clear my thoughts before sleep..

P.S. None of the characters are reflections of any real life people..every character is my fiction excluding BTS members..No damage is done to any character if u feel so please don't take it personally..Thanks again

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