Chapter 14

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Everyone were in shock and their eyes keep shifting back and forth from me to Isha.
Chairman: What is this?! U didn't temme u have a twin.
Me: I'm sorry sir but u never asked.
*BTS members are still in shock*
Chairman: Haha I guess that's reasonable. And you both are freakishly similar.
Me: Yeah we are identical twins.
*Me and Isha glanced each other with a smile*
Chairman: So what's her name.
Isha steps forward and introduces herself.
"I'm Isha Saravanan works for Bighit as an Asst. Fashion Designer."
Chairman: This is really fascinating to see both of u at once. So coming to the point I called y'all here to introduce each other but somehow I feel that's not exactly necessary since the twins would pretty much cover. *chuckles* U all can leave now. Thanks alot Bangtans for agreeing to work with us.
Namjoon: We should be thanking you sir.
*Everyone bowing to each other*
As soon as we came out of the Chairman office I asked Isha why she didn't even temme before coming.
Isha: Well, I made Minji to text u so I could surprise. Guess this is even better *jumping in excitement*
Me: Control yourself this is my work place remember. Stop enjoying too much.
Isha: Can't help sis *chuckles*
Me: Remind me how did I end up with such a pain in the ass twin again!
Isha: I love you too sis *kissing my cheek* My boss would kill me if I won't go now. See ya later.
Me: I might join u people too. Careful Isha watch where you're going you might fall.
Isha: I'm fine sis don't worry cyu *saying it out loud while running*
I turned back with a smile and almost hit bangtans..and the smile faded as soon as I met their eyes like I'm guilty of something..
Jungkook: So twins?! U never told us u had twin!
Me: That's complicated..
Namjoon: It always is..
Jungkook: So how much were u lying or hiding this whole time Diyassi?!
Suga: Is it even worth asking
Me: Will u guys just listen to what I have to say!
Jungkook: Why so u can feed us with more lies?!
Tae: Jungkookah let's just get back to work. *with straight face*
Me: Tae *in eyes filled with tears*
Held his hand while calling him like he'd stop but he just freed his hand from mine and went without saying a word which crushed my heart and I ran into washroom since I could no longer stop my tears..
After taking my time, I tried to control my emotions and since I was getting calls from our department I directly went there..
Minji: Where the hell were u? I called u 9 times and left don't know how many messages. Have u even seeing your phone girl?!
Me: No I'm sorry I kept my phone on silent before going to Chairman's office and forgot to change it back.
Minji: Okay..what happened to your eyes?! Are you okay?!
Me: Yeah why wouldn't I be??
Minji: But they're..
Me: Yeah I'm just sleepy didn't get much of sleep last night
Minji: But they don't look restless, have u cried?!
Me: What are you talking about?! Why would I cry?! Something fell inside and I rubbed my eyes a little vigorously, turns out it's just single hair of my eyelashes.
Minji: That makes sense now. You should be more delicate next time.
Me: Yeahh thanks.
Minji: So shall we go see bangtans working?!
Me: Why should we?!
Minji: Didn't chairman assign us?! Why did he call to his office?? I thought to tell this.
Me: Yes yes I forgot. That's why he called
Minji: You sure your okay! U seems like your mind is somewhere else.
Me: No no I'm fine thanks for worrying.
Minji: Is this bangtans effect?! It's first time seeing them to u too right?!
Me: Yes that's it u caught me *being relieved*
Minji: Try to get it together Diya we can see them advertising and we got the chance to edit it. It'll be our video that's gonna be everywhere.
Me: Yeahh so true such a proud moment *trying to keep smiling*

We went to the location where the shoot is supposed to go on. Bangtans aren't here, nothing is started yet. Thankgod I'm not so late. Isha came to take us to bangtans.
Me: I'm cool I'll just gonna wait here u can take Minji.
Isha: Okay sis.
Minji: Are you crazy?! Don't worry I'm so nervous too but ain't gonna let it come between me and the boys. Come on let's go or you will regret.
Me: No really I can see them from far
Minji: Just come already before I drag you.
Oh god how did I end up in a situation like this..
I can feel my heart beating so fast and my mind thinking to see a way to escape. I barely controlled my emotions but if I go inside I can't hold back..
Right when we're nearing them Isha stopped me from going..
Minji: Why did you two stop?!
Isha: I think it's better if we go one by one, make up eonnie doesn't like too much crowd when she's working.
Minji: Okay but who's gonna introduce me to him.
Isha: Like I know them just self introduce.
Minji: Okay then wish me luck.
Me & Isha: Good luck.
Isha: Why did u cry?! What the hell happened?!
Me: What are you talking about?!
Isha: U think I wouldn't know if u try to cover with an eye liner?!
Me: But how did you..
Isha: Doesn't need twin instincts or anything to figure it out sis. I cried enough in my life, I know how we try to cover our puffy eyes through liner.
Me: It's nothing Isha don't worry about it
Isha: Okay I'll go ask Tae what the hell he did
Me: Don't *held her hand so tight*
Isha: Fine then u start spilling, what happened?
Me: It's just too many misunderstandings and he acting all cold to me crushed me and I just couldn't control *started crying again*
Isha: What missunderstanding?! Didn't u explain why u were breaking up?!
Me: No I pretty much disappeared from his life without any notice but they assumed I have a fiancé and I went back to him. I don't know how I ended up being a cheater.
Isha: Stop crying sis. Why should u cry? U did nothing wrong. If it's a missunderstanding clearing things would solve right!
Me: No don't. *trying to stop her from making any scene*
Isha: Don't worry I wouldn't talk in front of them. Will call Tae outside.
Me: I still think it's not a good idea. I'll try to talk to him again after this whole thing.
Isha: Trust me on this. *dragging me in with her*
I walked in with head down. I'm so nervous to raise my head. Still I tried once to get glance of everything. There's no one but bangtans and Minji no other staff so felt a little relieved.
Isha: Who the hell is Tae here?!
Everyone are shocked for her behaviour. I'm quite more than others. I didn't even imagine she'd start off like that.
Jungkook: You need to watch your words miss.
Isha: And u need to shut up unless your Tae.
Me: *talking into her ears*Isha what in the hell are u doing let's just go *holding her hand and trying to move her out*
Isha: Shutup! I clearly know what I'm doing.
Minji: What's wrong with you just shutup.
Namjoon: Let's not make a scene here both of u.
Isha: Right! Where were u when Tae made my sister cry.
Jungkook: Your sister did alot more than just make someone cry.
Isha: So u take revenge on her by accusing some baseless stuff.
Jungkook: They weren't baseless, we wouldn't believe if someone says but we saw with our own eyes.
Isha: Yeah! What did u see?!
Jungkook: We were in China few months back for a concert and we saw her practically hugging her fiancé and saying I love u on a loop being drunk. We first thought she was thinking him as Tae until the man carrying her dropped his phone and which had a wallpaper of them with same rings on their fingers. Now temme wasn't that enough of a proof.
Isha: It should until u saw me.
Jungkook: What!
Isha: That was me.
She never mentioned about these and she never said she was engaged.
Me: When were u engaged. You never told he has become your fiancé before breakup.
Isha: He wasn't. We just bought couple rings we never exchanged them. We just wore them simply. Your boyfriend missunderstood.
Jungkook: How can we accept this whole thing now?!
Isha: You want proof?!
Jungkook: I don't think that's necessary. She still cheated. She went without saying a word. And she never told she had a twin either doesn't that mean she hid so much and lied alot.
Isha: She couldn't have said about me when u met her since she herself doesn't know that I exist.
Jungkook: Whaaaattt
Isha: It's long and twisted family drama, we will let u know when they make a movie out of it. *angrily* Anyway it's just pointless in explaining when u only believe whatever u want to. U don't even love her enough, if u did u would've spoken to her right when u think u saw her then there wouldn't be any misunderstandings in the first place. Now even if u want her back ain't gonna approve.
Me: Isha he isn't Tae. *whispering*
Isha: He isn't?! Then why is he speaking for him?!
Jungkook: Cause like how you're speaking for your sister I can speak for my brother aswell.
Isha: Well your brother made my sister cry so I had to step in.
Jungkook: You're sister made my brother cry long before so I had to speak behalf.
Isha: U rude little thing. Why are u even involving.
Jungkook: I thought I just made it clear. And who are u calling little?! I'm taller than you.
Isha: Sure you are. What should I do then?! Should I clap?!
Jungkook: Why are u still talking to me
Isha: True. Why am I talking to someone so mannerless like you. You rude little thing
Jungkook: I told u not to call me that.
Me, Namjoon, Suga, Jin, Jimin: Shutup u two
Jungkook: Hyung she started.
Isha: Look how your complaining like a kid u little thing.
Jungkook: That's you.
Namjoon: Jungkookah enough already.
Tae stands up and walks to me. Hugs me and says "I'm so sorry for everything I love you".
Me: Why are you sorry I should be the one to apologise. I'm so sorry
Tae: No I'm sorry
Me: No no I'm the one who's sorry.
Tae: No
Isha: What the hell sis u just forgive just like that! He has no trust on u. He doesn't love u much.
Jungkook: Listen to u speak. Don't be Eris to them, be a cupid instead.
Isha: I'm just letting this pass since my sis loves him. One more mistake I'm gonna take my sister far away from you all.
Jungkook: Okay ignore her and u both are sorry so just kiss already.
*Everyone laughing at maknae's humour*
Isha: Kids don't have a say when adults are dealing so why don't u just keep quiet.
Jungkook: Diya will u shut your twin or should I deal with her.
Isha: Why u complaining to my sister?! I'm right here and what do u mean deal with?! For your information I know Kung fu.
Jungkook: Am I supposed to get scared of that.
Isha: You don't have to cause I took a oath not to use my skills on kids.
Jungkook: Let's see who'd win then.
Tae: Jungkookah enough.
Me: Yeah what is wrong with you both. You guys argue like a couple.
Jungkook: Diya noona don't even joke like that please. Your twin just looks like you but she's an evil.
Isha: Like I'd be happy to be paired with you. Sis never again. And u Mr.Rude I can be evil to kids like you who won't respect or has no manners.
Me: Isha what's wrong with you today.
Isha: Why are you just asking me?
Me: Just don't respond to kookie okay! lemme introduce you to everyone.
Jungkook: Noona!!!
Me: I told u not to call me that
Jungkook: Diya!!
Me: Better
Isha: BTW Kookie! His name is like kid too *laughing*
Me: Ishaaaa!!!
Isha: Fine I'll shutup *pout*

We all forgot Minji was right there when this whole thing was happening between us. I suddenly started going towards her as she noticed she took a step back I was shocked to see that. I know she'll be feeling betrayed may be our friendship ends here may be she hates me for life she paused my thoughts with a loud scream..
Minji: *screaming* your Taehyung's girlfriend yaaaayyyyyyy.
I'm so much relieved to see her happy about it.
Me: I'm sorry should've told u earlier
Minji: After hearing all these u had alot of reasons not to and I understand.
*She came to me and hugged*
Minji: Congrats
Me: Thanks *laughing in shy*
Tae: I didn't know any fan would be so cool
Minji: Because she's my best friend and frankly if it's Jimin I might not have been so cool about this whole situation here. But luckily it's not him.
*Jimin started blushing*
Me: Yeah she likes BTS and she loves Jimin than anyone.
Tae: You guys have time after our shoot?! Shall we go have lunch together?!
Minji: Our company is providing lunch. It's not a good idea.
Me: Yeahh may be next time Tae I need to work on this Ad too.
During the shooting,me and Tae shared alot of glances and I texted him to stop doing that if he doesn't wanna get caught.
Tae replied "U staring at me how can I not look back when my girl friend is staring"
Me: Shuuuushhh go back to shoot I'll not stare or look at u at all happy now?!
Tae: Nah that kinda hurt me.
Me: Fine I'll just keep glancing every now and then. Cool?!
Tae: Yeahh..
Me: Now keep your phone aside people might start noticing. Love u Taetae
Tae: Love u too Diya.

First time after long time everything seemed so perfect and I'm beyond happy to get back to Tae. My happiness is all over the place.
P.S. None of the characters are reflections of any real life people..every character is my fiction excluding BTS members..No damage is done to any character if u feel so please don't take it personally..Thanks again

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