Chapter 18

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Isha: Where do u think you're going sis?
Me: Lemme go Isha
Isha: It's no use to go now why don't u date Jungkook instead
Me: What the hell are you talking!!
Isha: I meant what I said sis. Why do u like Tae anyway?! Didn't he doubt you?! Why not date Jungkook instead, the one who actually loves you with whole heart
Me: Have u lost your freaking mind?!
Isha: I need answers Diya how else can I get over someone I became close with after a long time. How do u want me to hold on this time?!
Me: I'm really sorry Isha. I don't know what else to say. I wish this is all a bad dream.
Isha: Just date Jungkook Diya
Me: I know your hurt but don't speak like that. Why would I date Jungkook when I have a boyfriend
Isha: Well, breakup with Tae and date Jungkook. I guess that's the only way u can make me happy. So temme me or Tae.
I started crying..
Tae: Isn't this too cruel for your own sis?!
Jungkook: Yeah really Isha joke has gone too far
Me: She's already crying stop scolding her it's all on me *sobing*
Isha: I'm really so sorry I didn't mean any of it please stop crying
Me: Why u crying now? I'm sorry I made it worst
Isha: No it's only a prank I'm sorry for taking it far *crying*
Tae: Yeahh stop crying they're only prankin u
Me: What is this all a prank now?! *still crying*
Tae: Yes! So stop crying already *hugging*
Me: So Jungkook doesn't love me?!
Tae: Do u want him to?!
Me: I didn't mean it like that *sobing*
Tae: How r u pretty even when your crying
Me: Shuuutuuuupp
Jungkook: Hyung!! Make her stop crying
Tae: I'm trying why don't u try since u both are real reason why she's crying
Jungkook: Noona I'm so sorry
Tae: What that's it? Noone I'm sorry! Pfftt
Isha: U both move. Sis I'm sorry won't play such pranks ever again *hugs me*
Her words strangely calmed me down and I stopped crying instantly..
Tae: Don't u think it's rude of u Diya I hugged u and asked u to stop crying and u didn't listen. Isha didn't even say much but you stopped crying.
Isha: That's called sister's bonding Mr.Tae
Tae: Ahh that hurts me for some reason
Isha: Don't be jealous she loves u
Tae: I know that
Me: Tae I love you
Tae: Don't just say it like that
Me: It worked didn't it?!
Jungkook: Let's just go in before anyone sees us
Me: I'm gonna blame u both for it
Jungkook: That's cruel
Me: What's cruel is you taking a prank this far
Jungkook: U forgave your sister why not me
Me: Cause she's family
Jungkook: I'm too since she loves me
Me: So u both ahem *raising eyebrows* that part was true?!
Isha: Yeah sis we're in love
Me: Finally!!! U overacted when we teased you
Jungkook: Nobody would love teasing that's why
Me: Aha!

We spent three days in Tae's hometown..we visited few places, may be because it's Tae's hometown I just loved every tiny little thing here..I didn't want to leave this place. These three days are like gifted, I'm happy not just because of Tae I'm happy that Isha and Jungkook are together and happy to see her happy.
Tae: Diya!! We should leave now.
Me: Yeah coming. Eommonim! Thankyou for everything. Will visit again.
Tae's Mom: Yeah u should cause I know about you and Tae if u don't call me often or don't visit me I won't approve.
Me: What!! How did u know Eommonim
Tae's Mom: He told me before y'all came but your very nervous he asked to act like we don't know and we played along
Me: Eommonim I didn't even know that and..
Tae's Mom: It's okay. We'd love u anyway since our son loves you but frankly I liked you despite of the fact Tae loves you but don't tell him.Okay!
Me: Thankyou Eommonim *blushing*
Tae's Mom: U can call me Eomma. Your like our daughter too
I couldn't give a reply to that but became emotional..
Tae's Mom: Why u crying now!! *hugs me*
Me: I'm not these are just happy tears.
Tae's Mom: Aigooo stop it
Tae: What's happening here?!
Tae's Mom: Nothing
Tae: Aw such a feast to see my mum and gf hugging waaahh
Tae's Mom: U sure u love him? He can be a baby sometimes may be most of the times
Me: That's his charm Eomma
Tae's eyebrows raised
Tae: Now I get why Diya is all emotional
Me: Shutup I'm not crying
Tae: Ya u definitely not *sarcastically*
Me: Eomma! I'll go now will come back soon *hugged each other once again*
Tae's Mom: Yeah alright. Go safe both of u
Tae: Yeah Eomma.
Tae just dashed my shoulder slightly, smirked and passed me to go to van.
I was about to open the door but kookie just pushed me so he can sit next to Isha..
Me: Seriously!!! Could've asked me nicely
Kookie: What fun then?!*laughing*
Tae: Enjoying too much Jungkookah?!
Kookie: Hyung the look in her face is so funny *laughing*
Me: Yeah?! What's funny is yo expression when I hit u..u both can happily sit in last seat like how u came here why to push me?!
Kookie: Cuz Isha is already sitting and I don't wanna trouble her asking to move seats
Me: Whatever
Tae: I'll sit with u in the back seat
Me: Love u Tae only u love me
Kookie: Ahhh Diya I love you aswell but my girlfriend is my first priority.
Me: Right! Who said anything now u and Isha I get it.
Kookie: Don't say it like that
Me: Like what
Kookie: In a sarcastic way
Isha: Jagi! (Sweety) Don't talk to my sister like that
Kookie: Okay if u say so
Me: I got goosebumps all over. Urgh so cheesyy
Tae: What I like it
Isha: We decided to call each other Jagi
Me: Tae u like me to call u Jagi too?! I'm sorry I hate all those stuff being all lovey dovey calling names to each other.
Tae: No no it's fine. I love it more when u call my name anyway
Me: Thankgod I thought u'd love all those. Aren't they too childish?!
Tae: Yes they definitely are.
Me: I'm super relieved your not like others.
Kookie: Diya your such a dumb that I didn't know. V hyung likes them more than anyone else.
Me: Really?? Why u said u don't then Tae.
Tae: Cuz I don't.
Kookie: Diya!! When u called him Namchin(shortform of namjachingu-boyfriend) he was so happy and told to everyone in the dorm.
Me: Jincha miahne nae yeobo(Really sorry my honey)
Tae just kissed me not realising Kookie and Isha eyes are our us.
Kookie: Now this is more cheesier than we calling each other jagi
Tae: I love u for trying but really I like it when u call my name. No one can call it like u do anyway. So it really is okay. U don't have to try so much for me.
Me: No it's okay yeobo I can continue to call u like this for u
Tae: Aw each time u say yeobo it's fluttering.
Me: Get used to it as I'm gonna call u often.
Tae: I love u so much *approaching to kiss*
But I signed him not to.
Kookie: Oh u guys no need to be careful around me. It's okay kiss I will close my eyes.
We both just gave him a look like we might hit him and he turned front.
After couple of hours we woke up as the van stopped moving and Jin told we could get some food since we might reach after dinner time.
I was about to wake up Isha but his "boy friend" wouldn't lemme.
Me: Hey!!
Kookie: One thing she hates the most is waking her up in her sleep.
Me: Oh u think I don't know that?! One thing I hate the most is letting my sister sleep in hunger.
Kookie: Oh your sister is my girlfriend and I'll get her some food she can have when she woke up so don't wake her up.
Me: Fine! Someone get me some food too. I'll stay with her if she wakes up she's gonna freakout that nobody's with her.
Kookie: I'll move her to back seat so she can comfortably sleep and I'll leave a note so go and eat don't worry about Isha
Me: U sure?! If she asks for me call me okay?!
Kookie: She's not a baby to ask for u in her sleep. Don't worry much I can take care of my Jagi
Me: U still getting to know her don't be over confident kookie. Anyway I'll get going call me kf something's up okay?!
Tae: Come soon will wait for u
Kookie: Okay!
Kookie came in 10 mins after we went inside..
Kookie: Where u babying my girlfriend?!
Me: She asked for me didn't she?! Told ya.
Kookie: Why would she?! I'm jealous of your sister's closeness.
Me: She's mostly all by herself through out her life so I care her more that's all and she asking me in her sleep started ever since we came to Korea. I just needs to hold her hand and not leave her side until she falls back asleep.
Kookie: Why is it?! Will she get nightmares?!
Me: I never asked her why cause she feels sensitive when I even raise that topic. I'm curious to know what she dreams too but I keep holding up myself from asking. I'd appreciate if u don't ask her for time being.
Kookie: As much as I wanna know I'll not ask for now.
Me: Thanks Kookie.
Kookie: You don't have to thank me cause I know how much u love your sister. I know it's only for her sake.
Me: Yes it's only natural she's my sister. Don't u love your brother?! Same way.
Kookie: Yes I do love my brother and BTS brothers but what u both have is different.
Me: I don't know that. I always feel the need to take care of her.
Kookie: And she said the same thing to me.
Me: She did?!
Kookie: Yes! She told your a most important person in her life more than your parents she loves you and she apologised if ever she won't prioritise me she said it would be because of you.
*Tears dropped as soon as I heard that*
Me: Aw that is really so sweet of Isha. Oh god! What have I ever done to get her love.
Tae: U deserve all the love in the world sweety
Me: Awwww
Tae: I really thought that would make u stop crying.
Me: I wasn't crying out of sadness
Tae: Well this did.
Me: Tae!! Wanna die?!
Tae: In your hands?! Then ready anytime
Me: Aishhh
Tae: Kidding my love. U and Isha are best thing happened for both of us and such a sweethearts let's just eat soon okay?!
Me: Isha is sleeping right?!
Kookie: Yeah she just opened her eyes said yo name twice and I told that your having food and she went back to sleeping.
Me: Okay!
*After few mins*
Kookie: I feel so full
Me: Me too
Tae: What have u even had to feel full Diya. U didn't eat properly.
Me: What are you saying? I had so full
Tae: U really should increase to appetite
Me: Whatever
Tae: I mean it. Ain't gonna allow dieting I'd rather see you fat than seeing u diet
Me: But that's how I eat I swear I'm not dieting
Tae: Then really increase your appetite love
Me: Like I can do that
Tae: Sure u can
Me: Don't worry so much baby
Kookie: Diya!!! I can't find Isha
Me: What the hell are u saying. Isn't she in car
Kookie: Nope she's not
Me: Have u tried calling her?!
Kookie: Yes her phone is in car though
Me: What she wouldn't leave her phone like that
Tae: May be she's gone to rest room let's wait
Me: Even though, why would she leave her phone
Tae: May be she thought she would come before us. Let's just wait inside. Simply don't panic
Me: There's blood here.
Tae&Kookie: What!
Me: How is there a blood?! What if something happened to her?!
Tae: Diya calm down. May be she bumped into something.
Me: Inside a car?! There's noway that's possible. Kookie I thought u locked the car
Kookie: Ofcourse I did
Me: Unless your saying my sister opened a car door to some stranger or stranger having car keys how r u going to explain the situation here
Kookie: I know it's hard to believe but I swear I locked
Me: Shouldn't have trusted u with her. It's my mistake
Kookie: Diya I understand how u feel and I feel awful too but that doesn't give u a right to say that
Me: If u were careful nothing would've happened. What if something bad happens to her
Kookie: Don't talk like only u love her Diya. She's your sister but she's my love, my life.
Me: Stop it Kookie. Just stop saying anything. Whatever u say it's your fault. If anything happens to her say good bye to your life too
Tae: Both of you calm down. Let's tell hyungs and let's call police after seeing near by. There is a chance it's not what u think it is. May be she hurt her accidentally, may be it's not anyone who did to her.
Me: Noway it can't be
Tae: What can't be
"Miss me gorgeous?! Your twin is doing okay but she's lying near garbage. Tsk tsk tsk so untidy. This time I left her breathing there won't be a next time. Love u my darling-XO"
I started running as soon as I saw text Kookie and Tae followed me asking where I'm going. Like the text says she really is next to a garbage. My heart skipped seeing her lying on road like that. Kookie ran faster than me and covered his jacket and I tried waking her up. She slowly opened her eyes.
Me: Are you okay Isha
Isha: Yeah my head hurts but I'm good
Me: Please help her up.
We took her to car. She didn't seem to her hurt anywhere I think that XO only poured some fake blood to freak me out. The journey felt so long as we wanted reach soon. The boys insisted that they'd stay or asked atleast if Tae or Kookie could stay but I sai it's okay and sent them back.
Me: Isha what happened?! Do u remember anything?!
Isha: Yes very clearly. And sis u shouldn't freak out when I say this.
Me: Say what Isha?!
Isha: I debated to myself million times on our way back to home but I concluded I should say. So don't freakout
Me: Okay u started u scare me
Isha: Its Tae sis.
Me: Whaaaaat
Isha: Yes the person that carried me is definitely Tae.
Me: U might have mistaken. Tae is with me the whole time.
Isha: The whole time?! Are you sure of it?!
Me: Yeahh ofcourse. Even if he isn't why would he wanna hurt u
Isha: That's something I wanna know too
Me: Just go to bed Isha. U have been through alot sleep it off I'll stay right here
Isha: Okay sis. Good night.
Tae did took his time when he hit the men's. Tae could have the other key to car. Wait what am I even thinking. Tae is a sweetheart why would he wanna hurt any of us. Isha must have mistaken that's all
P.S. None of the characters are reflections of any real life people..every character is my fiction excluding BTS members..No damage is done to any character if u feel so please don't take it personally..Thanks again

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