Chapter 12

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"Grandma what are you talking about is it a joke to u"
Grandma: Do u hear me laugh? I'm sorry u came to know like this but she really is your twin
Me: Who else knows this?
Grandma: Only me and her adopted parents.
Me: What the hell did u do grandma?! Mom and dad doesn't know too?!
Grandma: Baby I did it for a good cause her adopted mother is my only niece and docs told she can't give birth. I thought telling everyone would make only upset.
Me: Don't even try to cover things up. U have no right to steal an infant from her mother. Good cause?! Such a joke. Why couldn't u bring her back or tell to us when your niece gave birth to a boy?!
Grandma: They still wanna raise her since they love her alot I couldn't say anything they already raised her for 5 years by then
Me: Do u have any idea what u did?! Not only u stole a just born, not only u separated a mother from a child and not only u separated twins u sent her to a total psycho family. She should've been happier with us, I always wanted a sister and I mentioned that alot infront of u too. Have u never felt anything when I said that
Grandma: Don't talk like that about my niece. She raised her like her own
Me: Right u actually saw it didn't u?! Like their own?! Huh?! They didn't even treat her like a human. When I got all the love in the universe my twin sister is suffering with bunch of psychos. Do u have any idea how that feels.
Grandma: Listen to me baby
Me: Don't even try to baby me and never speak to me again *screaming with anger* *hangsup*

Right when I turn Isha filled her eyes with tears standing right there like she's about to collapse
Me: Isha how much did u hear?!
*Walking to her*
Isha: Everything *crying*
I hugged her tight and we both stood like that for sometime and cried alot. I have no words to console her, I'm in shock myself. More than shocker I hate myself for not finding out sooner. I feel guilty to have a perfect childhood.
Me: I'm so sorry Isha I have no idea my umm sorry our grandmother could do something like this
Isha: It's not your fault don't apologise I feel like a stranger when u do that
Me: No I feel worse not knowing u could've had a perfect childhood with our parents. I don't understand how she could possibly do something like this without asking mom and dad.
Isha: U don't have to feel guilty about anything how could u possibly know. Just consider it to be my fate. I'm happy that u got a chance to have better past than me.
I just hugged her again and started crying I don't know why I just couldn't stop crying.If u hear a random person that u just met shared her tragic past u feel bad for her that's all. But when that stranger turns out to be your twin and whom u never know off, will kill u internally.

I passed out crying..I hear Isha talking with everyone with all smiles

Me: How did u get my phone unlock?
Isha:Took your fingerprint while u were asleep. Hope u don't mind I wanted to speak to our parents.
Me: Never mind. But how did u tell mom and dad about everything.
Isha: Grandmother covered that part before I even called them so it became easier to me
Me: How is nobody crying
Mom from FaceTime: That's all over so don't even start now.
Me: Mom are you okay?!
Mom: I can't change the past I'm glad I have two beautiful daughters now why wouldn't I be happy seeing u together.
Dad: Your mom is right. Let's forget what happened in the past let's start new beginning as a family.
I just nodded.
Isha: Mom, Dad why don't u come here to China?!
Dad: We could but it's more better if u both come here. U can see our home too. We'd love it if u can make it.
Isha: We'll check with the holidays and we'll let u know dad.
Dad: Sure. Go to office you must be getting late.
Isha: Yeah dad we'll talk to u in the evening love u dady and mommy.
Mom&Dad at once "Love u both alot too"
Me: Love u too.
Isha: Bye
*hangs up*
Me: How is everyone so okay with it. Isha don't u feel wronged. U could've had beautiful childhood. Don't u think it's been snatched away from u?! How are u so comfortable.
Isha: Cause sis like mom said we can't change the past and I'm happy to have a family. I thought my parents abandoned me and hated them for whole life now that I know they didn't know that I existed in the first place, I wanted to bury my past and be happy about us being a family. Frankly this still feels like a dream u came to my life like a miracle and everything is magical after that.
Me: U know you're right. I don't know if I can make up for past but I can definitely make your future better. Ain't gonna let anyone hurt u ever again. Even if anyone tries to I'm gonna strangle them to death in next second.
Isha: Easy there sis. I love u for saying that but no violent thoughts please haha
Me: I'm being serious.
Isha: I can see that and it's scary so trying to make u smile
Me: *chuckles*
Isha: Get ready now we'll get late otherwise.
Me: Okay
Isha: And btw sis I'm elder than u so remember to pay some respect
Me: Ahem how elder are u?! A sec?! Or fraction of seconds?!
Isha: A minute actually.
Me: That doesn't matter too
Isha: Ul get punished every time u won't treat me like a elder.
Me: Oh c'mon don't expect all that I don't even respect our brother who's 3 years apart from us.
Isha: We have a brother?!
Me: Yes. He is working in Canada.
Isha: Sis! I got an idea. Let's go to Canada u can see the place I'm brought up we can meet our elder brother and I can change my name officially to Isha Saravanan.
Me: I wouldn't love more but I'm not sure if I can get leave for that long. It's only been 3 months that I joined here.
Isha: Then resign figure something out,please don't say no to Canada.
Me: Okay. We'll book tickets in the evening.
Isha: Yay love u sis.
Me: Love u too.
It's so beautiful feeling to have a sister. I wanna do everything she wants me to do. I liked to see smile on her face didn't wanna take that away with job excuse. So I said yes. Isha and I left to our offices planned to meet after 5pm in the same coffee shop.
As soon as I entered everyone asked if something good happened. I don't know if it's that evident on my face but every single person asked me similar question. Few close colleagues asked if I patched up with my boyfriend. They kept asking me and I kept saying nothing like that. Suddenly my boss called me in his office and I went.
Boss: We're opening our branch in Korea. Do u wanna go?!
Me: Boss really?! That's a great news?! Why me though?!
Boss: Didn't u say u have your sister in Korea so ul quit to move there?!
Me: I did?!
Boss: Yes right before u came u called to check if I'm on leave. I came just to talk this out with you  although I'm on leave.
Me: Wow thanks alot boss. Are you opening a branch for me?!
Boss: Don't go overboard now. The branch is almost ready hiring process is going on. So since u said u'd quit I wanted to ask if u'd like to take this offer.
Me: I'll be super happy but boss only if it's after next month I have to go to Canada.
Boss: Yeah it will be after 40 days.
Me: I'm really sorry to ask this boss but can I take leave from day after tomorrow.
Boss: U said today will be your last working day didn't u?!
Me: Yeah but I wanted to give proper farewells to everyone here *trying to cover up*
Boss: Your not drunk are you?!
Me: Noway just lack of sleep. I get crazy if I'm sleepless sorry boss.
Boss: Okay. Whatever so tomorrow is your last day right?! Fine. I'll give u 35 days leave since u never took leaves at all. Obviously u won't get your salary and u must reach Korea atleast 5 days earlier than your joining date I'll make the paper work ready by tomorrow. U can leave now.
Me: Thanks alot boss. Have a good day.

I got a text from Isha saying "I have no much work today. Wanna join for lunch?"
Me: Sure. Why not? Time and place?!
Isha: See you in your office at 12. Love you
Me: Will be waiting..Love u too

I prepared my colleagues not to get shocked but didn't tell about twin part just mentioned not to be surprised. Didn't wanna reveal the suspense already. I wanna see their faces seeing us together. Yeah I'm enjoying this a little too much haha

So It's 12 and Isha is right on time.
As soon as I saw her I ran to hug her she was kinda surprised.
Me: I love you so much. I don't know how u did it but my boss totally considered to transfer me to Korean branch and will be after a month we can go to Canada keeping my job.
Isha: Wow that's a good news but why did u thank me for I didn't exactly get that part.
Me: Didn't u call my boss?!
Isha: Your boss?! How the hell I know your boss or to call him?! What are you talking about?!
Me: Nothing it's just a prank.
I almost got what's going on. Definitely XO. That person is silent for 3 months and started already.
Isha: So your not going to Korea and we aren't going to Canada?! *pouted*
Me: Nah we are. I was joking about u calling my boss.
Isha: Thankgod my heart skipped a little.
Me: Haha gotcha *chuckles* let's have lunch and started introducing my colleagues on our way to cafeteria.
While everyone are literally interrogating Isha who can speak good Chinese unlike me I received a text and I'm sure whom I got it from before I could open.
Yes my guess was right it's from XO and it said "What fun identical twins?! Don't ever think I didn't give u anything. Thank me later ungrateful bitch"-XO.

P.S. None of the characters are reflections of any real life people..every character is my fiction excluding BTS members..No damage is done to any character if u feel so please don't take it personally..Thanks again

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