Me& Calum's Conversation on Facebook

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Charity Granolin:Where is Calum Hood? Calum Hood:Here

 Charity Granolin: Calum Hood, No i mean like where in the world are you?

(This is a Topic)

Charity Granolin:Help! Ashtoon Won't stop meowing Calum Hood: Ashton Irwin i said no more Meowing

 Charity Granolin:Calum Hood haha omg,I can't breath Your soo funny

(another diffrent Topic)

Charity Granolin: Im thinking what Calum Hood is doin right now

Calum Hood Likes this


Charity Granolin: Calum Hood is Breath Taking

Calum Hood Likes This


Charity Granolin:Calum Hood wanna eat pizza with me?

 Calum Hood:Yes

 Charity Granolin:Calum Hood When?

 (I fangirl when Calum Said this)


Charity Granolin:When would Calum Hood eat pizza with me? Calum Hood:Soon XD

 Charity Granolin:Yay! >.< 

Charity Granolin:Calum Hood Yay! >3 :P


Charity Granolin:No One Could be Cuter Than Calum Hood

Calum hood likes this

(Diffrent and there's a Cashton Moment here)

Charity Granolin:I Woke up from My sleep.Dreaming about Nandos and Calum Hood

Calum Hood: Thanks

Charity Granolin:Calum Hood You were with Ashton Irwin.tbh

Calum Hood:With?Cuter?i like my ashton better is kinder and Cares More

Calum Hood:About my feelings and shows me love

Charity Granolin:Wow you like read my thoughts.i was gonna ask about it

Calum Hood:yeah

Charity Granolin:Calum Hood So that means you Love Ashton Irwin?

Calum Hood:as a friend ILoveAshton my Boyfriend Ashton Fletcher Worthless Irwin {Ok this is not how he styles he username}

Ashton Fletcher Worthless Irwin:Aww babe

{Ok they totaly forgot i was there}

Calum Hood: ;) anything for you lovely

Charity Granolin: Aww.:P

Calum Hood:Thanks

Charity Granolin:I wish i have a Relationship like you.Calum Hood :P

Ok tell me im soo Lucky to talk to Calum


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