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It all began with a plan. Oh, this plan was wonderful. The 5 of us thought it would work out. We truly believed we would never get caught. How wrong we were...

Let me start that again. This is the story of 5 friends, who came up with a plan. This was a plan, for the ultimate heist. We all wanted, no, we needed the money. All of us, for our own purposes. But, as you know, these sort of things always come with a price. Oh, and how the price hit us hard, harder than anything ever before.

First, let's talk about who we are...were...and why we all needed the money. I'm Owen. I'm 21, and fresh out of university. I started right after school finished, and was there for 3 years. I worked on computer analysis. I was never a popular guy at school, but I had my close group of friends, and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. Or so I thought... My parents, they never really got along. When my father was arrested, I was 19, almost 20, and half way through my studies. He was arrested for money laundering. I never knew, it was like a scene from a TV show. Turns out, all the "money" we paid for my intuition, was the drug money he earnt. I was allowed to continue, but I have to pay the money again. With my mother going into hospital with brain cancer, I didn't have much left. I needed the money...badly.

This is what made me want the money. I never came up with the idea, I wouldn't ever think of it, but...money talks. How I wish I could have taken my desicion back

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