Michael & Tabatha

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And finally, we have Michael and Tabatha. These two were...how would I describe them? They were the perfect brother and sister. When one did something, the other did as well. Probably because they were twins. I just wished they did the whole "wear the same outfit" dealio.

Mikey and Tabby, as we liked to call them, could never be separated. If one was invited somewhere, the other tagged along. When Issac, Eve and myself met these two crazy twins in year 9, we knew we were in for a blast! They moved here from just a couple hours north, and they originally lived on a farm. That explained why they were so close. But not that close! Get your mind out of the gutter. Tabby had a boyfriend!

With all this said, they couldn't be more different. They hung out all the time, had similar interests, but it's what defined them that surprised me. Michael was a sporting type. Kind of a tough guy, but quite sweet on the inside. Tabatha, however, was very nerdy. She wore these thick hipster glasses, that never sat right on her face.

You would think that these two wonderful kids would never want to try and steal money right? Well, you are far from it. They were the ones that were immediately on board with the idea. Their reason was because of their farm. It was slowly going under. They lost almost all live stock during a plague going around years ago, hence why they made the move. They never told me this, but after some searching, I came to the conclusion that their father was actually a major tax evader, and now he needed money to pay back. Sounds like my problem huh...?

Because of all this, our money problems and family commitments, we made the decision. The Heist planning was under way...

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